Chapter 14: Are you trying to kill me?!

Start from the beginning

Maybe I did have feelings for her.

*Kira’s P.o.V.*

I open my eyes to see the familiar black forest. Off into the distance I saw sparks of red flying around and red designs swirling on the trees, making the silver leaves sparkle. Getting up, I sense a presence above me.

"Nice to see you Fiera.” I turn and smile up into the leaves.

A beautiful woman with jet black hair and red eyes jumps down from an overhead branch, landing in front of me. “Same to you Kira.” Fiera smiles at me and gives me a hug.

"I can see what you mean by it’s different here. Why do you think that is?” I ask as I step out of the hug.

"I don’t know but I think it has something to do with us meeting Grimmjow.” Fiera wiggles her eyebrows and a smile creeps onto my face.

“Maybe. So how have you been in here?” I ask as we walk through the black forest. Little fires dance on the ground, illuminating our surroundings in an eerie glow.

“Fine fine. I wanna get out though. Haven’t been out for a while and I miss the world.” Fiera sighs.

“Isn’t there a way that you can get out without taking me over?” I ask.

“Maybe if I took over then my soul was pushed out of you body you would regain control and we both could walk around. Then when I wanted to come back in I would just have to merge our souls again.” Fiera smiles.

“Would it hurt to remerge our souls?”

“I don’t know. Never tried it. Did it hurt when I first took over?” Fiera asks as she plays with a nearby fire.

“Not really. It was more of a good feeling than a bad one. When you first took over was that the first time we met?” I raise an eyebrow.

“No it was not.” Fiera looks down at the ground.

“When was it?” I kneel down next to her.

“We met when you were born. That’s how I became part of you.” Fiera explains, still looking down at the ground.

“How did you become part of me exactly?” I stand up and hop into a tree.

“I was killed but my soul was unharmed. I was wandering around the world of the living when I felt some pressure. I was immediately drawn to it. I followed the pull to Soul Society when I found your mother. She was about to give birth to you. I didn’t know if the pressure was yours or hers so I just waited until you were born. When you were born you almost died. The doctors tried to save you but it was to late. I figured out the pressure was yours and I couldn’t let it die, so I merged our souls and brought you back to life before I died from being away from my body to long. That was how we merged.” Fiera looks up at me and I see a red tear slide down her face. “I’m sorry I ruined you life.” Another tear drops.

I drop to the ground and walk over to her. “Don’t be sorry. If you hadn’t merged us we both wouldn’t be here. I am actually happy I met you. Now I better get back to the real world. I’m tired of trying to calm my reiatsu. Bye Fiera.” I whisper before I am sucked out of my inner world and back to reality.

I look up to see a sword pointed at my head. Ulquiorra was the one holding the sword.

“What the fuck?!” I scream at him.

He just looks at me like I’ve grown another head. “You were trying to kill me.” He says simply.

“So you decide to kill me?! What is wrong with you!” I shout at him, my anger about to explode.

“I didn’t feel like dying either.” Ulquiorra says calmly.

His calmness was really ticking me off. “You dick! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!” I shout loudly. I feel myself heating up in anger. Ulquiorra face finally shows an emotion: fear.

Dammit, Fiera’s coming out. Someone’s gonna die now.

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