She gave Shae a bone crushing hug. “I am so happy to have met you, Shae. You have a lovely soul and I hope it’s a long time before your soul crosses into our realm again.”

Shae hugged her back. “Thank you, for everything.”

Persephone walked with them out into the front hall. Hades was waiting for them and Hermes stood next to him. His face was solemn and she guessed he’d heard the news. Shae went to Hermes and gave him a quick hug, whispering something in his ear which made him smile. “I think I can manage that. Good luck, Shae. No more flirting with strangers.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Dad. Thank you, and take care of Thea.”

Thea looked at him. “Aren’t you coming?”

“No, I have to check out something in the mortal realm. There’s been reports of disturbances near Mt Olympus. I’ll be back later tonight. Will you be all right?”

She glanced at Shae who was standing near Hades. She looked pale, her eyes on her hands. “I’ll be fine,” she told Hermes quietly. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Walking over to Shae, she took her hand and they headed out. Hades took the lead as they passed through a side gate to the palace. It was hidden behind some vines and she saw a flash of annoyance on his face as he brushed them aside. It seemed he wasn’t completely happy with what Persephone had done to his home. Even though it was a sad moment, Thea couldn’t stop the small smile on her face at Hades expression.

They walked in silence down a worn path in the Asphodel Fields. It was small, just wide enough for two people to walk side by side. Yellow grass grew along the edges, small red flowers struggling to break through the weeds. Shae’s hand trembled in her own and Thea tightened her grip. She wanted to find a quiet corner somewhere and cry but she kept it just below the surface. She wanted to be strong for Shae.

Hades glanced back occasionally to make sure they were keeping up and when he did, Thea would send him a smile, though it felt more like a grimace. They passed few souls. Those that they did pass kept their gazes averted. She sensed their fear of the God and wondered why they feared him when he was kind to them. She would have to ask Persephone about that.

The field began to fade and ahead, she could see a river beginning to form. Her throat closed up. She wanted to pull Shae away, keep her for a few more moments. She had just gotten her friend back -she didn’t want to say goodbye again so soon.

Shae’s grip tightened and Hades stopped, reaching out and placing his hand on Thea’s shoulder. “You need to stay in contact with me from now on, Thea. Being near the river is enough to make you forget so you can venture no further.”

She nodded.

“From here, Shae must go on alone.”

Shae trembled and Thea gripped Hades arm. Her throat was thick but she tried to stay happy. Shae looked at Thea, her eyes uncertain.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered. “I’m scared.”

Before Shae could see her tears, Thea grabbed her with her free arm and hugged her. “Don’t be afraid,” she whispered. “It will be fine. You’re getting another chance, Shae. Don’t be scared - be as amazing as you’ve always have been. And if you find someone like me again, make sure to drag me to as many parties as possible. I may complain but if I’m spending time with you, it’s always fun. A girl like me needs a friend like you in her life.”

Shae nodded and they stayed that way, both too afraid to let go. “Remember what I said about being in denial,” Shae murmured. “Shove those feelings aside and just go for it!”

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