The signs on their period

242 16 4

(Sorry guys, but this one is for the girls)

Aries- Basically lives inside for 5 days

Taurus- Eating 🍫🍫🍫

Gemini- Cramps,,,,, Owowowowow cramps

Cancer- Complaining about everything

Leo- Has a lot of moments were they start ranting about something or other

Virgo- Starts randomly crying over the fact that Christmas carols are done for the year (tbh this actually happened)

Libra- Binge watching Netflix drama shows

Scorpio- Suffering from mood swings

Sagittarius- Ordering food delivery right to the couch

Capricorn- tired..... zzZzZzzz....

Aquarius- Has trouble figuring out what products to use

Pisces- Hasn't gotten theirs yet

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