Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Jhan

Hey there! This story has been here in wattpad for quite a long long time (I dunno, like since 2013 I guess?). I have always wanted to edit it so that the ones reading this would like it much better. I've got a finished product in mind and yet all the things that I have to do kept me from finishing this story. So I would like to say sorry to those who wants to read this story at its entirety. With all the school and other stuff going on, I wasn't able to continue this story. I am really really sorry about that :( *insert me crying here*

But now I have the time to edit the chapters and be able to post (finally right?) this story. Just give me a bit more time and I promise I will finish Sapphira's Gem. I'm giving myself till the end of this year to finish everything and post the chapters after long last. :P

To the dear readers who were brought to my story by mere chance, I am sincerely thankful to you for even taking the time to read this story which I have written 6 years ago (nung bata bata pa ako XD). Don't worry, this story will soon be readable again wahaha.

As for now, I will remove the contents of each chapter and post the edited version very soon <3

Thank you and keep being awesome! :D

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