Chapter 21. The Formal

Start from the beginning

"Is she okay?" Stiles asked after a moment. 

Scott shook his head from side to side slowly as his eyes fixed on his messy bedroom floor, he had thrown more clothes all over the place and it looked disgusting. We should really hire someone to come and clean his room for him- this is more than likely breaking several healthy code standards. 

"What is she doing?" I asked tentatively. 

Scott sighed, "She's crying." He then walked over and sat down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hand and holding it while he continued to look down sadly at the floor. This is all of our fault. We just- we were trying to protect her, but she can't see that... she see's us trying to ruin her relationship, and that wasn't it at all.

"Scott... you can't protect everyone." Stiles said quietly. 

"I have to." Scott stated seriously. 

I sniffled as I stood up from the bed, "I'm gonna go get dressed... Um, I'll be back..." I mumbled awkwardly as I left the room, once I was in my bedroom I locked the door and tried to prevent myself from crying- knowing damn well that Scott would be able to hear me. And the last thing I wanted to do was make him feel worse about everything.

"So you actually want Jackson to take her to the formal?" I asked Scott awkwardly- I happened to walk up to him and Stiles as they were peaking around the corner to watch Jackson ask Allison about the formal. It's still freaking weird to me that he actually agreed to do it. 

Scott nodded, "If she's with him- she'll be somewhat safe."

"Well that sounds like another one of you fool proof plans, Scott." I muttered sarcastically, I wonder if they make books or online classes that teaches a person how to make better plans. Like a better way to approach a situation and think all of the logical ways it can go wrong, before fully committing to it? If they do, I know what I'm getting Scott for Christmas.

Scott rose an eyebrow at me, "Well I'm still going too."

"Do you even have a date? Or a suit, or a way to get there? Hell- Scott do you even have a ticket to get in to the dance at all?" I asked with a sigh.

Scott smiled, "Nope."

"So you're going to ride your bike to a dance that you're not allowed to go to without a suit or a way in, all the while werewolves and werewolf hunters are all trying to kick your little werewolf ass?" Stiles asked in amusement.

My brother's smile only grew wider, "Yeah. You gonna help me?"

"Hell yeah,"

"Why do I have to go to the mall with her? This is stupid," I complained as I walked into the Macy's that Allison and Lydia were heading too. Scott's oh so brilliant idea of having me follow her around was really starting to make me look like a stalker.

Scott sighed over the phone, "Because you're a girl- and you need a dress for the dance anyway,"

"Scott first of all, I'm not going to the dance. Second of all, what does me being a girl have anything to do with going to the mall?" I asked in annoyance- he always used the fact that I'm a girl as a reason for me to do something that I didn't want to do. 

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