Chapter one: a night out at the bar

Start from the beginning

"I am really sorry," she blushed. "I'm just a bit clumsy."

Jack turns back to the red-head. "So you're sure I don't know you?"

"No, I don't think so," she smiled as the sandy-haired boy came up behind her and put his arm around her.

Jack turned back to the brunette, who was still mumbling apologies.

"Really, it's okay," he said to her. "What's your name?"

She straightened. "Clara. Clara Oswald."

He held out his hand for a handshake and gave her a sparkling smile.

"I'm Jack. Captain Jack Harkness.

"Oh, stop it!" Rose did her best to imitate the doctor. The red-head snickered.

"You sounded just like.... Never mind."

Clara interrupted. "Jack, who's your friend?" She nodded toward Rose.

Rose hopped off the bar stool and held our her hand.

"Rose Tyler," she smiled.

"Yep, this is Rose," Jack smiled. "We did a lot of traveling with our old buddy."

The red-head girl turns around. "I'm Amy Pond, by the way. And what kind of traveling?

"Tiiiiiiiime trraaaaavel," Jack said ominously.

"Jack!" Rose scolded him.

"Who was your buddy?" Clara piped up.

"He didn't really have a name," he shrugged.

"Time travel, no proper name....?" Amy questioned. "The doctor."

"Why, you know him?" Rose jumped up.

"Are you one of those fanatics who obsess over him?" Jack curled his lip with distaste.

"No," Amy rolled her eyes. "I traveled with him."

"I did too," Clara called. "But I didn't get much time with him. One day he just... Never came for me. He said he would come back in five minutes. It's been months." She sighed.

Jack was distracted. His eyes drifted over to the guy he was with earlier. Jack smirked at him. The guy put up a number 2 with his fingers as he mouthed the words "round two?"

Jack smirked and put his drink down.

"Ladies, I'll be right back...."

He walked over to the guy and dragged him by his tie to the bathroom.

"What is he doing?" Clara asked, skeptical.

"He'll tell you after," Rose tried to contain her laughter.They hear a moan from the bathroom door. People sitting at tables near the bathroom gave the door a confused look.

The girls sputter laughter, and the door opens again. Jack walked out in an even messier condition, huge grins on both their faces. He winked at the other guy. "We should do that again sometime."

"Definitely," the guy winked and handed Jack his card, sauntering back to his table, receiving funny looks.

Amy burst out laughing, but covered her mouth as Jack walked back over.

Rose could barely speak between laughter. "H-Have fun there, Casanova?"

Jack strutted back into his seat. "What did I miss?"

"N-N-Not much..." Amy snickered.

Clara seemed shocked. "Was he... You were... Oh god..."

Jack smirked. "I'm not sure what your question is, but whatever it is, the answer is yes," he winked at Clara.

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