Chapter Forty Six// Plane Ticket

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"He's in non of those places."

"Where is he then?" Josh's body looms closer. My vision is hazy from the night's blanket of fog. "Is he in there with you?"

"No! He's in Washington! So there, now you know. You can leave now."

"Washington ay? Never thought Nerdy Nathan would be that courageous-"

"Don't call him that," my voice fights the dominance of tears threatening my emotions. A ball begins to rise in my throat with I tame it with a loud gulp.

"Why? Aww, does poor Paige still have feelings for Nathan? Oh how cute," Josh mock with a sinister stare.

"So, what you planning on doing?"

"Me and Nathan have some unfinished business." Josh backs away from my door with a harsh frown upon his face. "You won't be all lovey towards him after my fist is finished with him."

"Oh and how are you planning on fighting him when he is over hundreds of miles away, ay?" I cross my arms tightly over my chest, grimacing as he stops at the end of my drive. His hand unfists, his shoulders relaxing.

"You'll see."

I decide to ignore Josh's words of threat. At least Nathan is safe away from here, not with Josh around.

The following day is Saturday, however my usual morning routine is altered by the clang of my post box, early that morning. Abandoning the fresh pancake batter I had just made, I walk over to the front door to see a letter. It is face up, and has landed perfectly in the centre of the welcome matt.

My knees bend as my arm extends, my fingers grazing the edge of the envelope. My name was printed clear on the front. I take it in my grasp and tare it open, eager to reveal it's contents.

At first I thought it is empty. I shake it upside down; a note as well as a rectangular strip of card drops out, falling in front of my feet. What is it?

I pick it up with a careful hand, turning it over for a complete examination...

A plane ticket.

I gasp, a rush of electricity sparking through me! With excited eyes, my brain tries to process the information as I continue to read:

A two way ticket from California to Washington DC.

I read the note: I miss you so much, life out here is not as I expected without you. I need to see you. Take this ticket. My apartment is ten minutes from the airport, I will have a cab wait for you. Nathan x

Within the next ten minutes my bag is packed! I jump down hard on the suitcase lid, demanding it closes as I punch it shut, the zip only just going round all the way. I rush down the stairs with my case tight in my hand.

It takes me an hour to reach the airport, the roads free from congestion. Once I arrive I am out of breath. The lady from before was at a different check out. I am thankful I don't have to pass her again.

I hand over my ticket and passport, delighted when I am given all the all clear to board the plane. I locate my seat and sit down with a long sigh.

This seems so surreal! I'm on a plane, going to see Nathan. My hands tremble with inexplicable nerves as well as reoccurring out bursts of excitement. Leaning back in my seat I prepare for take off, my eyes close with my heart beating at a rapid pace.

The plane journey lasts double the time expected, the anticipation of being reunited with Nathan again- as well as the risk of travelling across the country alone, my mom not knowing a thing- makes it all drag on. But as we land, the wheels scraping across the runway, my pulse can no longer be obtained.

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