Chapter 1: New Drummer

Start from the beginning

                I heard footsteps in the middle of the night, and I hesitated before opening my eyes.  A small gasp escaped my lips when I saw the tall silhouette.  "It's just me." Ash whispered.

I placed my hand to my chest and let go of the breath I was holding.  I turned the lamp on that sat on my bedside table and Ash walked to my window, pushing it open and perching on the ledge.  "Where are you going?" I hissed, standing to my feet.

A sneaky grin crossed his lips, "Rai and Max wanted to do one last thing before we're back to school."

                "Are you stupid?"

                "Do you really have to ask that?"

No.  It was a stupid question I already knew the answer to.  "We can't be late." I said firmly, crossing my arms across my chest.

Ash rolled his eyes, mocking me with his hand.  "I know, I know.  I won't be gone long."  He straddled the window pane, and grabbed onto the branch of the tree outside my window.  He swung the other leg out, and pushed himself off.  How are we even related?

                I was even more nervous getting ready the next morning.  I put on a pair of skinny jeans, and a crème colored sweater.  I pulled the sleeves up to my elbows, and slipped on a pair of tan oxfords.  I never cared too much about what people thought.  I was comfortable.  I put my hair into a French braid, grabbed my bag, and ran down the stairs for breakfast.

                I ate a bowl of cereal, and Ash was just coming down the stairs.  His hair was sticking up in all directions, and I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.  "Good morning, Sunshine." I teased.

His laugh was sarcastic.  "I'll be ready in ten minutes." He mumbled.

He ate before running back up the stairs to get ready.

                I found myself rubbing my palms together to keep them from sweating.  I wasn't exactly sure why I was nervous.  It's the first day of school, I guess it's normal.  I had two close friends, Rebecca and Ashley.  I've known Ashley since First grade, and I met Rebecca when she first moved here at the beginning of high school.  I was excited to see them.  We didn't hang out too much over the summer because being the goody-goody I am, I took summer classes.

                Ash came down the stairs; Ray bans already covering his eyes.  He never did much to get ready.  Guys were so lucky sometimes.  We climbed into Ash's black Tahoe, and left for school.  I felt my nerves starting to shake, and I felt like I was about to pass out.  It felt like I was on my way to the hospital to get my blood drawn.  I don't do well around needles.

                Ash parked in his normal spot, and his group of friends were already waiting for him.  He went to them, and I walked inside of Los Angeles High School.  My locker number was 133, so I went straight for it.  I saw Ashley standing next to the locker beside mine with her head leaning against it.  I walked around her, and a smile lit up her face when she saw me.  "Willow!  I missed you!" She pulled me into a hug, squeezing tight and letting me go.  "I felt like I haven't seen you in year to be honest." She crossed her arms, and leaned back against the locker.

I focused on my combination, getting it opened on the second try.  "I know, I'm sorry.  I had a pretty busy summer."

I turned to her for a moment.  Her blonde waves were longer since she cut it a few months ago.  Her blue eyes held the same sparkle, and she's probably the most gorgeous person I've ever met.  She was tall, and had curves in all the right places.  "Yeah, so I've heard.  I'm coming over after school, and you can't tell me no.  It's not like we get homework on the first day anyway."

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