Chapter 1

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As usual, enjoy!!

P.S. This is the last/2nd last last chapter to be still set in the past of her second year.


Shi's POV

I walked around the main building holding some of the paperwork I was assigned to give to the student council president. As I walked by, people gave me disgusted looks and whispers started to arise. Nothing new. 

I made it to the classroom. Class 2-A. No doubt Shū is in this class. I slid the door open and all attention was pointed at me. I was wearing a face mask after all. Let's just keep this calm and quiet.

"Um, I'm here to deliver p-paperwork to the student council president. I'm told h-he is in this class?" I only heard whispers from around the room as multiple people started go back to what they were doing. Hah, I have to go through this again...

"OI, LISTEN UP. WHERE'S THE STUDENT PREZ?!?" Everyone gave me wide-eyed looks after the shout and put their attention on the person sitting in front of the class. I walked up to him. He didn't even look up. I had an irk mark on my head. I tapped his shoulder.

"Are you the student council president?" He looked up at me, gave me a disgusted face, and then looked back down. I tapped his shoulder. Again.


"Did you not hear me you deaf little prick? Just because I'm Class E doesn't mean you can just ignore me. That's just rude."

"Yes. Put the papers on the desk. I'll deal with them later. Tell the people who 'asked' you to deliver this to me that Asano-san has got them." I thought for a second before registering. This is Shū?!?!?! Wait, now that I look at him he does look like a peach.


I was walking behind Shū, admiring his odd colored hair, and a thought popped into my mind. I ran in front of him and started walk backwards while facing him.

"Hey Shū, did you know you kinda look like a peach?"

"What? Why would you say that? I do not look like a peach!!" And he chased me back to our house.

~~End of Flashback~~

I walked out of the room with thoughts still circling around my head. The bell rang and everyone rushed to their classrooms. I continued to walk since my classroom was all the way in the mountains. Plus, my teacher wouldn't mind. I continued to walk but then I bumped into something. I fell to the floor and looked up. It was a guy with red hair and a black blazer.

"You okay? Shouldn't you be in class?" He held his hand down towards me. I stood up myself and brushed my skirt off.

"I should be asking the same thing. You are a main building student. I am Shi. Chono Shi. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." I took a bow and heard a chuckle.

"Well, pleased to meet you too. I'll be your classmate starting next year so I think I'm fine." Oh yeah, he was on my list... He was only being put up with because of his grades as to what I remember. I decided to play along.

"Well then, 'classmate' may I know your name?"

"Akabane. Akabane Karma." Funny name. Almost like mine.

"Do you have karma all the time? Your name seems to imply that feeling." I laughed a little bit.

"Hardy har har. Very funny... Say, can I have a tour of my to-be classroom?" I nodded and turned right. I walked with my feet going up and my heels going down, creating this thumping noise every time I took a step(A/N: My friends tell me I'm weird for doing that... Am I?)

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