"Mickey! I missed you!" Angelina runs and hugs his legs, you know since she's so short. Don't ask me why she calls dad Mickey.

"I missed you all more." Dad looks at us and then gets confused when he sees Andrew, whose arm's around my waist.

"Andrew this is Harry Styles, my father. Dad, this is Andrew, my boyfriend." I introduce one to the other and they shake hands. "Now let's go home. I'm tired as fuck."

"Jessica, no swearing around Minney." Dad playfully scolds me.

"Sorry Angelina. I'll put a dollar in the swear jar right when we go back. Or in this case, I'll put one pound." I roll my eyes.

"Your accents are so different oh my god," Andrew states as dad and I simply laugh.

We head to the car. Man, driving on the left side of the road is going to be so weird now. As we sit inside, Andrew turns on his phone.

"Jessica, do you have any idea where Jake is now?" Dad asks, that's going to be hard to explain.

"At my sponsor's house." I reply, being as flat as I can be. Dad seems confused, but I'm too tired to explain.

"She means the person who encourages her to stop drinking alcohol and helps her throughout it." Peter explains, rolling his eyes.

"I don't understand half of this, but I don't think we should discuss this now, so we'll leave it for later." Dad declares.

"Great," I say, glancing at the streets, the past is so weird.

"Oh my god, you're here!" Mom gets up from her chair.

We now have chairs and tables in our front-yard? There are even flowers? That's new. Anyways, mom runs and hugs us all, including Andrew.

"I might've given birth to many children, but I know for sure I never slept with anyone who has gray eyes." Mom jokes, looking at Andrew.

"Darcy, this is Jessica's boyfriend, Andrew." Dad wraps his arm around her waist.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Styles." Andrew shakes hands with her.

"Enchantée." She smiles at him.

"I'm going to pretend I understood this word." Andrew laughs.

"It means nice to meet you in French," dad replies to him. "I haven't met any of your boyfriends who aren't Christian, but I like this dude."

"Glad you do," I smile at them. "Andrew, do you want to sleep, change or stay here for a while?"

"I'll stay, it's nice to see where you've grown up." He kisses my cheek.

"They've redecorated everything but as you wish," I smile at him and then we quickly kiss. "I'll see you later honey, please watch Angelina as I nap."

I head to my room, man I've missed being here. I open the door, still the same white walled room with the black furniture. You can still smell the smoking I used to do, I mean, I still do, but I haven't done it here for over a year now.

I start unpacking because I have nothing better to do. It's not like I'm going to nap that quick in a room where I had my worst nightmares. From collapsing before tests to self-harm, to smoking, yeah that's not going to be easy.

"Get up. We're hungry." Tyler says, waking me up.

"Can't I eat alone, later or something?" I whine, not wanting to get up. I love to sleep.

"Mom told me she needs to talk to you after this, so I guess it'd be better if you get up now." He informs me, great, life is just great.

"Fine, give me ten minutes so I get a chance to freshen up a little." I roll my eyes and glance at my phone. Oscar's texting me about his life, being married seems tough. Matthew wants to go back to Los Angeles so bad, but Oscar isn't willing to change jobs.

I put my hair in a ponytail and change into jeans and a short sleeved plaid black t-shirt, I also wear flats. I go downstairs, oh my god, they changed the dining table.

"Look who's here." Mom exclaims, smiling.

"Good evening everyone." I pull out my chair and sit down.

"So, Andrew, I haven't asked, but what do you do for a living?" Mom asks, putting some of the chicken she made on her plate. Tyler starts coughing to that question. We can't tell them he's my student, obviously not.

"Junior partner in my family's firm." Andrew replies, seeming confident.

"That seems pretty interesting, and what does that firm do?" She questions again.

"Medical instruments." Andrew answers, smiling.

"What's the name of the company?" She asks, oh my god mom.

"Mom, I don't think you should pressure him, it's not like this is an investigation or so," I state, pissed.

"It's okay Jessie, she has the right to know." Andrew nervously laughs, "It's Haddad and Co."

"Now let's all enjoy our meals," Dad says before mom asks anything else.

"Jessica, since you're done with your food, you and I need to talk." Mom declares, fuck. Why can't I just have a normal night for once? "Front yard, now."

"Okay, mom." I roll my eyes. "See you later, Drew." I give him a peck on his lips and leave. What does she want to say this time?

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