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"The person who was sitting in seat thirteen C asked us to give you the seat." She answers.

"May I know who that was?" I narrow my eyes.

"I have no clue, but I know his name starts with an A." She replies, guiding me to the seat.

"And where's he now?" I ask.

"Airport directory, we can't move until they give us a final answer whether he'll be on this flight or not." She sighs. "It could take hours." Oh shit, it was Andrew's seat. Okay why can't he go on this plane.

"Why isn't he allowed in here?" I question.

"I heard he donated an organ about a week ago and can't fly without a nurse." She states. Oh my god, that's why Andrew was absent all this time. He had to do his checkups, for Tyler. Andrew was the donor, oh my fucking god. I can't believe I was so mad he'd skipped class, he was saving my brother.

"Can I go to the airport directory, I need to talk to him." I look at her.

"Sorry ma'am, I can't let you off this plane." She says. "And I guess your friend will be taking the next flight, with a certified nurse."

Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit. I need to talk to him, I can't let this happen, oh god. I can't do anything though, oh my god. I need to do something. She won't let me leave. I guess I'll have to solve this in New York.

I've been waiting in the airport for so long now, with a guy holding a sign with Andrew's name on it. I won't move from here until he shows up, I feel so fucking guilty at the moment. I tried calling, but no answer. I called Tyler, and apparently he knew. I'm so tired, I'm in heals, even the dude with me is tired, but he's paid. I'll go out to smoke for a while.

"Jeff, you don't move without me. I'll go smoke." I state, take my pack and leave.

Jeff was Andrew's driver in New York, since he doesn't have a car.

I smoked three cigarettes, and now I'm getting back inside. Jeff is waiting in line, we still don't know if that's the flight Andrew'd be on or not, but at least we're trying. Andrew appears, and I feel happiness. I feel the urge to run and hug him. He hugs me back and firmly.

"What're you doing in here?" He asks me as we pull out. My smile sort of fades, it's like he didn't want me to be here or something.

"Well, I avoided sitting next to an old lady thanks to you." I fake a smile. I don't want to talk about the whole organ donation thing in public. "And I needed to thank you."

"Guess you've done it now?" He shrugs.

"Andrew, my kid, I know I have no say in this, but the woman's been waiting for you for four hours." Jeff declares.

"Thank you Jeff, but it's okay." I glance at my phone, text Hannah to pick me up and then walk out. As I do so, a hand holds my arm.

"I'm sorry for my cocky attitude, I'm just pissed because of what happened on the plane." Andrew sighs.

"Andrew, may I ask why didn't you go on my flight?" I question, I wonder if he'll lie to me or not.

"Uh my father postponed the flight because he wanted me to attend one last meeting." That liar. I'll confront him later. "Do you still have your hotel's reservation?"

"Cannot check-in anymore." I roll my eyes. "I can just go to my friend's house, it's no big deal, really."

"Would you mind going to the same hotel I will be at? I can get you a room or something." He offers. "Please, I insist."

"Thank you so much. I really didn't want to spend the night at her's, she's probably at Oscar's bachelor party." I smile at him. "And that is something I don't want to attend."

"I'll pretend I know these people." He laughs. "Let's go?"


Andrew couldn't get me a room, he only got a bigger room for both of us to stay in. It's better than nothing though. I'm pretty grateful for it, we don't have to sleep in the same bed. I still didn't confront him, but I will. I promised myself to do it even if it's before we sleep.

I'm currently unpacking, and then I'll have to call Peter to see how it went with Angelina's father and all. Last pair of jeans, finally. Okay, let's go talk to Peter. He answers at the third beep.

"Good evening Jessica." He says, very sleepy.

"Good evening. How was your day?" I ask, sitting on my bed.

"She collapsed when she saw him. She started crying and calling him a monster and comparing you to him. She started hitting me for bringing her there at some moment." He replies.

"Wow, he must've really hurt her." I take a deep breath.

"He didn't move. He only said one word throughout that hour, sorry." He declares. "Angelina's so scared she's sleeping in my room, holding one of your shirts."

"Oh my god, I feel so bad for her." I say. "Guess I'll let you sleep now, good night. Tell Angel I love her."

"Will do. Bye." And he hangs up.

"Are you able to sleep?" Andrew appears, holding two cups. I shake my head.

"What're you holding?" I ask, pointing at the cups.

"Hot chocolate, don't judge I wasn't in the mood for coffee. Want one as we watch a random movie?" He states. I love how he hasn't mentioned anything about Tyler or donating his lung for the past two weeks.

"I'd prefer not watching a movie. I've got plenty of work to do. We can still talk though." I seriously need to finish those tests I have to do next week.

"Jessica, do you ever stop working?" He asks, handing me a cup.

"Does it ever stop paying me? No." I shrug, taking a sip. "Do you ever work?"

"At the office yes, outside, hell no." He answers, laughing. I get out my laptop, open a word document, get a freshmen's book and start to think of questions. I can feel his gaze on me, which lessens my inspiration.

"I really need to get a test by next week, and I've been lacking inspiration for so long now, ugh." I shove my face in my hands.

"I guess you could use this thing we call Internet?" He opens the browser and googles freshman business economics exam.

"Andrew, I never get my tests from the internet. Books, maybe. Just not the internet." I tell him, shutting down my laptop. "I'll probably get inspiration later."

"Okay, old fashioned woman." He laughs. "Any news about Angelina?"

"She met her father today. And she collapsed." I answer.

"Isn't he in like jail or something?" Andrew questions.

"He got transferred, he asked to be closer to his daughter." I reply.

"How did you fall in love with such a person?" He asks. I can't help it but think what will have happened if Andrew was Angelina's father.

"Oh well, you got to ask Kristen how she did." I look for pictures of Kristen and I on my phone, but the only thing I could find is the video from her funeral.

"Who's Kristen?" Andrew narrows his eyes. Shit I just realized Andrew doesn't know Angel's adopted. Fuck. Guess I'll have to tell him.

"Kristen is Angelina's mom." I blabber so quick. I open my laptop and pretend I'm doing something very important.

"Uh, can you explain that please? I thought you were her mother?" He seems pissed, shit.

I'm so stupid to having hid this huge ass thing, Jessica you're dead. I got to tell him about me being intersex, hell no I won't. I'll just tell him I thought adoption was a good thing at the age of eighteen, yes that's good.

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