Part 21

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Authors note: This is not the end! I have so much more exciting ideas to work on! I can practically picture the next chapter already! This chapter is more sweet, to fix things up again ;-)

I really want to thank you guys, my amazing fans. For the votes, for the comments and for the amazing banners from 1999pets. Do you think the banner on the side is better than the current cover? Let me hear your opinions!

Next chapter should be up soon!

Love ya’ll!


Layla pov:

‘Disney world?!’ I nearly screamed in excitement. Well I obviously didn’t see that one coming. As a child I’ve always wanted to go there once but of course Troy wouldn’t take me. To finally be here gave me a buzzing feeling of contentment and happiness.

‘So I take it you like it?’ Dante grins.

‘Of course I do, silly!’ I scream while jumping into his arms. We both froze for a moment, the impact of my impulsive act finally sinking in. Quickly I try to remove my hands but he wouldn’t let me and only tightens his arms around me.

I keep struggling and a after a few more seconds of holding me he lets me go. As soon as he does so, I take a few steps back and look at him warily. ’Why’d you do that?’.

'I could ask you the same’

‘Touché’ I grumbled while I started walking away from him. I wanted to take things slow and although  shouldn’t have given in in my impulses he shouldn’t have hold me while I obviously didn’t want to be in his embrace. The warmness of his arms reminded me of old times. Times when he would keep me close and snuggle into my hair and whisper sweet things to me. I really missed being so close and comfortable to him and I really wanted things to get back to how they used to be but truth is... I just couldn’t. My trust in him was completely gone. Now all there was left were sweet memories that left a bitter taste to my mouth.

It was obvious he wanted to make it up to me but would I let him? Could I set my feelings of hurt and rejection aside to give him that chance?

‘You’re walking the wrong way. The bus will pick us up and bring us to our hotel first so that we can freshen up and rest a bit first’.

I nod in silent agreement. My thoughts going back to the time when we had the talk about how lowly I saw myself. He was so sweet and understanding back then. Guess people change…

The bus picked us up and brought us to a fancy hotel. Mickey and Minnie were already waiting outside to greet us. I didn’t see them pay attention to the other guests so I guessed this was Dante’s doing. He should know you can’t buy things and except it to be all good and dandy again.

Nevertheless I really appreciated the gestured.  Dante made some photos of me, Mickey and Minnie and then let our bus driver take some pictures of the four of us together.

‘Hello, I made a reservation under Paxton’ Dante says to the receptionist. ‘Very well, let me take a look’ she answers in a bored tone while she quickly types something on her computer.

‘Alright, your luggage will be taken upstairs by our staff. Here’s the key of your room. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy your stay’.

'Wait a minute? Did you just say one room as in one bedroom?’ I quickly ask. ‘Uhm yes, is that a problem Miss?’.

‘Yes it is, I’m not sharing a bedroom with him’. Dante looks at me with hurt but I ignore him, we’re nowhere near that stage yet and I would be damned if I had to share a bed with him. 

The unnoticedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ