the girl

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September 29th The night was still young me jax and Marcus were out on the long misleading trail of fate. Sitting under the quiet over pass the occasional car passing over ringing the bolts on the bridge. We sat passing a bottle of cheap whiskey Marcus had stole from his dad's liquor cabinet, it tasted like shit but I just couldn't stop. Sip after sip we passed it around. Soon the bottle was empty, so we began walking out and onto the intersection. just then a police car drove by, his sirens flipped on and we all booked it all running into the forest. I saw jax out of the corner of my eye, then I heard the officer yelling. I heard Marcus shouting for us but then it died away and it seemed like he had gotten caught. I turned right slightly and ran faster. I tripped over some undergrowth and fell tumbling down a small hill.

I stood and heard a slight giggle. I looked around scared as hell I slipped my knife out of my pocket and flipped it open.
"You won't need that" a girl said walking from behind a tree. Her hair was long and black pulled to her right side covering up her right eye. What I saw from her left eye they were a beautiful brown. She was short, wearing skinny jeans and a tight hoodie.

"I… who are you?" I said completely confused by the turn of events.

"I'm Nicole… but call me nickie" she said smiling at the ground. "I take it you're AJ?" She asked innocently.

"Y-y-yes…"I said stuttering still slightly frightened. "How do you know my name?"

"I heard your friend shout it when he was running." She said reassuring.
"Can I ask what AJ stands for?" She asked with curiosity and innocence.

"Andy… Andy Junior." I said oddly shuffling my feet. Not many people asked about that. Only my really good friend knew my real name.

Nickie just looked at me and giggled. " your cute…" she said with a seemingly irresistible smile.

"Uuuhhh ummm… so are you." I said oddly then mentally  kicking myself for it.

She giggled once more and then jax came running into the small clearing where nickie and I were standing. Jax this is ni…" I said to him realizing she was no longer there, stopping myself in mid sentence.

"Wha-what the hell" I said loudly.

"Hey keep your voice down. The second officer is still in pursuit but hes a little behind I'm sure we can hide" he snapped at me.

"Alright, wait if we can get to dell street I know a short cut home." I whispered loudly

Jax pulled out his phone and check a map. After a moment he pointed in a direction "its that way."

We started walking and I was still looking around for nickie. 'Where the hell did she go' I thought to myself trying to pull together the fast paced events that just happened. We walked to the road and split jax went one way and said he was going to his girls house, her parents were gone and he thought he'd get lucky. I walked a little and then turned down a dirt road and started walking down that. I began hearing noises coming from the treeline. I was about to turn onto the trail that was a short cut to my house but was startled when I saw nickie standing in front of me.

"What the fuck?! Where did you go?" I whisper yelled

"Sorry Andy but your friend scared me and I don't like new people." She said with an amazing innocent sad looking smile on her face.

"I-It's okay I guess, you just kinda scared me" I said nervously.

She just looked at me and smiled. God it was gorgeous.
"So... I just transferred to BCS..." she said oddly staring at the ground.

BCS is a school close by it stands for Bode Center Schools. never really liked that school but oh well. I asked her if she wanted me to walk her home, but she didn't answer. She just walked away, so I walked along side of her. We started talking about things and rambled on about nothing.

the Destiny of NightMaresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora