Chapter Fourteen- Jealous Ambitions

Depuis le début

Titus walked to the altar, holding in his hands, a knife. With a shaky hand, I took it from him and raised into the air, looking into the eyes of Alexander as I spoke these words to him. 

"I, Roxana of Bactria, take this knife. With the strike of this knife, my mind, body, and soul will begin anew, leaving behind the past forever and surrendering myself to my husband, Alexander, king of Macedonia," I spoke softly. 

I closed my eyes as I held a lock of my hair in my hand. As the knife came down, my hand was numb, as was my body and mind. I faced the truth; no one was coming for me. I had finally run out of options. Then, the dagger swiped through my lock of hair, cutting it completely. Titus handed me a cloth in which I wrapped the lock of hair in before handing it back to Titus. Alexander took my hands in his. 

"As King of Macedonia, I take thee Roxana, princess of Bactria, daughter of Oxyartes, as my wife and the queen of my country and my empire. I shall take thee to be alongside my rule as equals. I take thee to hold and treasure until my bones turn to dust and my name is no longer remembered,"

With that, his lips crushed against mine, his hands coming up to hold my face to his. His lips were soft and gentle, molding to mine with such perfection it stunned me. Once his lips touched mine, I was his. Our marriage was now consummated and I was his bride just as he wanted.  I closed my eyes and treasure that kiss, and in that kiss, I gave up all my hopes of escaping him, but instead, I gained new hopes and dreams. I would become the greatest queen Alexander's Empire would ever see and Bactria would be rightfully mine again. 

Festivities  began and it became a blur to me. Bread and wine were served to us as we watched the soldiers take women from off the sidelines in order to dance to the melodies of a lyre. Even Ebony and Titus joined in on the dancing while Theti clapped merrily along the sidelines. They entertained us until the moment Alexander became bored. My eyes would peek over to him very so often to see an unamused expression plastered on his sculpted face. I saw him watched the women with lust in his eyes. My heart ached. How could I be so affected and hurt over some mere women?

Abruptly, my newly husband rose from his seat. All the men and women halted their dancing due to his sudden actions, all of them waiting for his command. Alexander nodded for their continuance as he walked away from me. My gaze moved with him as he roamed about the dancers. 

I then saw a village girl that he came upon. His hand brushed over her cheek as Alexander lifted a strand of her hair away from his face. Her cheeks reddened nervously, as did mine with anger. I saw Alexander offer his hand to the girl and her politely accept it with a giggle. With that, they danced. 

How dare he do such a thing at our wedding? My own wedding! How this man infuriated me so! Heads turned, shocked expressions as clear as the skies. I felt myself heated with anger and embarrassment. The way he moved and the way he held her, causing an unnecessary spectacle of the both of us. When his lips met hers, I went ballistic. He would regret this, if not, then I would make him. 

This time, it is my turn, I thought. I shrugged off my robe, standing up and stepping forward. I landed my gaze on a lonely soldier. I flashed a smile toward him and my prey offered one back. I stepped up to him with charm.

"Why is a handsome man like you all by your lonesome?" I flirtatiously asked. 

"All these harlots are just the same. I would be better off with a beautiful woman such as yourself. I am General Cassander," he said. Yet not one moment did his eyes meet mine. Instead, they followed the route of my gown. I smiled in satisfaction.

"Well I am yours for tonight, Cassander," I whispered seductively in his ear and I offered my hand to him. Before I knew it, I was swept off my feet among the rest of the soldiers and their women. 

We were a few yards away from Alexander and the village girl. I watched with hatred as his hands roamed her ragged clothes, feeling every inch of her body as he whispered naughty things into her ear. Two can play at that game, I thought. I guided Cassander's hand down my body in a playful manner, us dancing closer and closer to Alexander. 

"My, my, there are so many things I could do to you. How I wish I could have you in my tent tonight," he whispered into my ear, his mouth latching onto my earlobe, toying with me.

I noticed Alexander's glare as Cassander's hands possessively took control of my body. I whimpered against him and looked Alexander dead in the eye with a satisfied smirk. We danced to the lyre sensually. The moment Cassander spun me out from him, I came face to face with a very angry Alexander. The village girl was nowhere to be found. His eyes pierced me and I felt as though he could see straight into my soul. I wanted to be able to do the same, but I didn't even know if he had a soul. He gripped my arm hard and pulled me close so only I could hear his words. 

"You are making a display in front of everyone. My wife and queen is no whore! If you wish to be my queen,  then act like one and earn that position, or you will regret this, spoiled princess," he growled. 

"Who was the one who decided to make a scene at our wedding to begin with?" I angrily whispered back. 

"I told you that you will regret this," he growled and I was dragged kicking and screaming from the festivities and into a village home. 

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