chapter 1 - teh beginin

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I woke up in the morning feelin like p diddy (xD jkjk) exept I wasnt, I had hubge crussh on a boi from my hi shcool and I was in drepression.He was so perfct he had sea foam rainbow purple glowing orbs and wavy gold yellow cornfield pasta color hair. He was sepur tall and rly strong and rly thin and he was soooooooooooooooooooooo smart and he was the best at school and all the teachers loved him and I was just a stopid nerd who coudnt do anythin espeshly english and speling. His nam......... waz hari stiles

I strarted to brush my super long silky pretty brown hair which I hated bc it was so ugly. Oh well at leest I wasnt a blond slut lik tiffany. Tiffiny was a totally hore hoo whent 2 ma shcool. Al th bois luvd her but she wore makup so she was so fake and she hatued me bc I wos so smart and beutifal. Shi wuz so ulgy

I loked in the mirur and I actuly threw up bc I wos sooooo uglers. I had 2 bruhs mi teth bc it wos so gross

'Umg wat if harry cud see mi loke theas!!!!!!!!!!!' I scrramed (catelin talks 2 hersalf bc she is totes crazy and differents abd uneek) and mi mom told mi 2 shutup bc its like 6am bc she a batch and I hat her.

'I HAT U MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I RAn out crying an screning bc erryone hats me in mi famile. I threw up ib the rayn bc I was so filled of greefed. when suddenly, harri appered!!!!!!!!!

'HARREH?!?!?!?!?!?!?' I screamed. even tho it ws raynin, his heir wos dri and fluffee and blowin ib the brese (my bruther: lol blowin me: SHUTUP STUPID U DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD).

hareee sed 'Fear not, dear mortal. I am but an illusion of the one you seek. He does not know it, but the human in my image will one day soon accept your confession of love.'

I screemed agen. 'Will you stop shrieking, you ignorant child! Who are you, Empress of the Banshees? Kids these days.' He sed. 'Wat langange wos taht?' I yelled. It must hav ben an relly old langage cuz id never herded it be4. 'Proper English, darling. Open a book and find out.' He flapd his glowing snow clolored winter feahther wings an floo awai. I wundered wat hed sed. He luked lik harri tho. Mabe he sed I wos pretee. BUT I WAS SOOOOO UNGLEE

I draged misalf 2 shcool an every1 waoz lik 'CATELIN OS SOOOOOOOOO UGLEEEEEEEEE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL' an I cryed but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sudnlee hari was thar!!!!!!!!!! 'Stai awai from ma gf!!!!!!!!!!!' I was su amased tiffani came up and shoved her boobs in haris face bcshes a hoe 'TIFANI GET UR BEWBS OUTTA MI FAC' yellded harriy. Tifaynee cryed 'but hirray!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lov-' she shtaped bc harrri slaapd her in da fac. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAA' she scremed and rann awai. 'r u ok bae'" hari sed. 'Yah' I sed blushin. Haribo was also blushin 'do u wanna go 2 starbuks for ummmm a date' O ripies wiht 'yue' ans we gu to starbuks.

(Teim skep)

aftur we wented 2 starbuks we wented 2 harris hose. 'Umg u r rich!' I sed. 'Yah' he sed we went in2 haribos room and he had a BONR 'UMG HARRI WAT IS DAT' I screemed ponting at it 'UMG IM SORREE' he scremed. we blllllluiuuuuuusssssgeddddd and hari sed 'actally u r rly cut' and sudennsly he wos nakud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'HARI UUUUUMMMMMGGGGG' I scrreemed and suddens I was nude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIS HIT BIDY MAD MI WAT I flew omnto his UWU!!!!!


Hari shovved hes UWU inta mi vajayjay. 'HAAAAARRRRRRIIIIII-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN' I screemed in plesure. 'I lov u catelin-chan' sed harrey. Hari-sempie screeemed bc he nutd. 'OH LAWDY LAWD BAJEYSUS' HE YODELLED

(Smit is ovr u can lok now!! xD)

we were nakud and makin oot een haribos mom cam in!!!!!!!!11!!!1!1111!!1111!!!!!!1!1

'HARI WAT R U DOIN' she screm.

(CLIFFHANFAR!!! mi mom ses I hav 2 slep now sooooo yah ill see u soon with new chaptar remembr 2 vote and coment and shar. bai bbys!!!! xD)

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