chapter 2 - im pregnat haribo

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harreys mom sed 'HARRI Y R U NAKUD WIV DIS WOMAN!!!!!!!' harri stud up and loked steern. 'mum I am 19 yeers old and fr sum reesun I stil liv with u an go 2 hi shcool. I am fully functoning adult hoo can mak hes own desishuns in lyf. Dis is ma gf hoo im rly seryus with. Weve nown echotha 4 ages, evr since 40 minuts ago, an im gona marri her'

suddensly, HARI GROO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hari grabed mi bi mi boobs an floo out da winduw. HARREY STILES COM BAK HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' SHE SCREMED

but we wer alredy in britan.

'hari wer r we goin???' I sed. 'were goin 2 mi manergers hose bae' sed hari. 'u hav manerger???!!!' I screemd. 'is u famuos??!' I screemd agan. 'yas bby' hari sed

atfer 69 mins (mi brother: lol 69 me: SHUTUP xD) hari sed 'dats mi manergers hose' he pounted 2 dis HUUUUUUUGE bilding which had like 477346789842 bajillion flors

harey sed 'I hav 4 frens hoo r mi bandmate's' I was su amased 'u r in a bannd?????!!?!' I screemered. 'Yah' hrrey sed

eventualz we landeded an harees wings disapered. 'hari hoe did u gro winngs?' I assked (mi brother: lol ass me: I THOGHT I TOLD U TO SHUTUP!!!!!!!! xD).

'Ah, young mortal. It was not 'Hari' who grew those wings, but I.' Harreys eyes wer glowin autumn purple!!!!!!!


angle-harri loked angers tho! 'Stop screaming, for crying out loud! Honestly, of all characters of all the literature on this forsaken planet, I HAD to be assigned to a grammatically-alienated Mary Sue in a deliberately awful My Immortal clone that the author wrote as a complete joke but then everyone who she showed it to begged her to write more. Ugh.' Harris eyes staped gloweng.

'wat happen???' He sed. I blished an sed 'nothin bae' I desided nat 2 tel him 4 sum reeson.

'Kk su were gonna meet mi bandmats' he sed and I noded. 'Ok u need dis' he gave me a carrot. 'Y do I need dis tho hari?' I assked. 'U will see in a min' he sed.

hari put da key in da loc. 'Ok get redi' he sed. He opned the door. Suddens, sumbodie screemed 'CAAAAAAAAARRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS' abd den sum1 waz fallin down da stairs!!!!!!!!

'TTTTHHHHRRRRROOOOWWWW THHHHEEEEE CCCCAAAAARRRROOOOOOTTTTTT' Hari yellded! I throwed it an teh thing jumpd on it an strated chewin it vicariously!!!! :0000

'Wat is dat?!?!?1?!?11?!' I scremed. 'Oh das just nile. he liks carots.' Sum1 sed. Anotha boi cam thru da door. 'New character, who dis? I meen hi.' He sed. 'Mi nam is leeyum.' I sed 'ello, mi nam es Catelin Emoface, an im basicelly a tomboy and supr randum.' I laffed sexily. 2 mor bois cam in. 'helo im lewizs' sed da 1 wiv sexi stubbl. 'helo im zane' sed da othr 1 wiv sexi stubbl. i blugshed. There waz so many hot bois neer me and i was suuuu wet. 'hai guiiiyyyyssszzzz' i sed seducididly.

'this iz ma gf catelin guyz' sed hari, and he slapd mi butt. 'we r goin 2 get marry soon bc we r SOULMATS.' BUT ZANE HAD A BONR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'ZANE WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!' YELLDED HARRI.    zane waz blushin and lookin at me. 'catelin........................ i luv u................' hari punchd zane in da fac and he fell 2 da flor. 'NOOOOOOOOOOO' yelled leeyum. 'I....... LUVD HIM.......'

but zane was ded.

suddensly, i was pain in my vajayjay!!!! i screemd. 'CATELIN' scremed haribo. 'CATELIN PLS DO NOT DIED!!!!!!!' but i was not died. i crawld over 2 da bafthrom and grabed a pregnance test. i put the pegrent test in mi buttwhole (edit: YES THAT IS HOW U USE A BREGNENCEY TEST IM NOT DUM!!!!!) and waitd. after a few secons i granbd the frefnancy test out of mi butt and lookd at the thingy that sez if ur pregernt or not.

hairy waitd an lookt at me scard.


'im prefnat....'

(edit: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!! :0000 catelin is prehgant!!! btw 2 everyone sayin that u can't kill some1 by punchin them, HARI WAS ANGRI, OK???? HE WAS PROTECTIN CATELIN AND THATS WAT BOYFRIEBDS DO, SO BAK OFF SWEETY. thanx 4 reeding :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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