Urgent News

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I ran into Rustboro, worried about everyone. Are they dead? Are they alive? What about N? Is he okay? What was he doing? I have so many questions still going around in my head. I wish I could stop asking these questions, but if a world ending war is going on, you have to ask these questions.
As I walked up to the Devon Corp -where we were hiding- and I saw Wally, biting his nails. He looked really concerned.
"Um. Wally? What's wrong?"
"Y-Yuri, s-sh-she's-" Wally's tears ran down his cheeks, "g-gone."
"What? Where'd she go?"
"I-I don't know! I was with her one second, the next-" Wally cut himself off, wiping away the tears from his cheeks, "she was gone."
"W-Was it when I was chasing that Zoroark?"
"Yes. After that, she said she would leave for a bit."
"W-We'll find her."
"Okay. I-" Wally took a deep breath, "I'll wait." Brendan walked up to the building and saw both of us standing there.
"Oh. You still haven't found her?"
"No." We all stayed silent for a minute. Steven then appeared in the doorway, welcoming us inside.

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