Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

            She shook her head, averting her eyes back to Dorian. “I do not wish to leave him.”

            His eyes left her momentarily and strayed towards the bed, he was startled to see cold, blue eyes observing him harshly.

            His hand fell to his side as he turned fully around, “Captain?”

            Lucile moved forward just as Belle opened the door, ushering the doctor inside. “The doctor is here, madam.” She exclaimed.

            “Don’t touch her.” The words were released on a deadly hiss and everyone in the room paused and there was a distinct, sharp gasp as his icy stare settled on Ginelle. “Leave me.” He growled his voice pitiless and stinging.

            Lucile stepped forward and gently took Ginelle’s arm. “Come, my pet.” And she wrapped an arm around Ginelle’s waist as the doctor stepped forward to examine his patient.

            Once in the hall, Ginelle stepped away from Lucile and pressed a shaky hand to the wall, her eyes on the floor to hide her unveiled tears.

            “Monsieur is in pain, is all.” Lucile said softly to console her young mistress.

            The older woman watched a shudder pass through her mistress’ shoulders. “He cannot stand the sight of me.” She wailed softly, turning to peer at Lucile, her brown eyes filled with sadness.

            Lucile froze, shaking her head as she reached out to grip Ginelle’s shoulder. “You mustn’t think that-“

            “He thinks I carry Stefan’s child!” she cried brokenly.

            Lucile blanched, “Surely he knows?”

            Ginelle shook her head as she pressed a hand to her rounded belly beneath the heap of skirts. “He will not listen to reason. He thinks I have betrayed him.” With that said, she swept down the hall, eager to flee.


             The holiday went unnoticed for a state of melancholy fell upon Ashford. Ginelle was torn, pained by Dorian’s refusal to see her. The doctor visited often, tending his wounds that were horrible beyond imaging.

            Every night she cried herself to sleep, damaged by his hatred for her and the cruelty he showed her the night of his return and despite it all, her heart still yearned for his love.

            She wanted desperately to confess her love, reveal her undying heart and the passions he awakened in her, but she feared he would never think on her again, and never see her in the light as before. He had accused her unjustly of wrongdoings before, but these accusations hurt more than his unrequited love.

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