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Tomorrow I leave for Ireland. I keep having to remind myself, because I haven't even started packing. I've just been looking at cute paintings and watching Regular Show on Hulu. I'm okay at painting, I wish I were better though. I turned off Hulu and sighed, because I know that I needed to pack. I have a morning flight, but I need to pack and get some rest so I can make it to the gate in time.

I got up and adjusted my pajama pants. I tied the little string and then walked to my vintage vinyl player. I put on The Kooks and hummed to the songs. I folded my clothes and shoved them into the small suitcase. After that, I put my toothbrush in, my toothpaste, a small bottle of perfume, floss, a hairbrush, all of my small toiletries, and an extra pair of shoes. My phone rang, so I stopped my music and looked at my phone.

'Cameron <3'

I instantly answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, already knowing who it was, of course. I wonder why people do that. I smiled just hearing his voice.

"I'm coming over! I can't take being away from you right now, I can't believe you'll be across the world for so long." He sweet talked. I giggled, being as nervous around him as I am is hilarious to me because I've known him so long, but it's like I meet his voice for the first time every time I hear it. It's a sickly cliche love story with us. 

"It's only for a month." I sighed, making fun of him acting like a baby for me being away for a month. "It'll go by fast I promise." I told him.  I felt like I was being kind of petty, but I didn't really care. I guess I just didn't want someone who acted like a child.

"I know, I'll be over in 20. I love you." He said. 'I love you'? That's the first time he's ever said that to me. And I've never said it to anyone. I felt my face get hot. 

"See you soon." and I hung up the phone. It started driving me absolutely mad. "I love you," kept repeating itself over and over again. I got a text and read the screen that said it was from Cameron. I didn't want to open it but I knew that I'd have a guilty conscious if I didn't. 

'I have something to get off my chest when I get there.'

My mind raced over the possibilities. Before I even realised it, he was here. I kissed him as he walked through the door. "Hey love." And he hugged me. We both sat on my small sofa and he took my hands and then took a deep breath. 

"Okay, I'm just going to say it before I chicken out," He closed his eyes and then opened them after taking another deep breath. 

Oh god. I thought. He's not gonna,

"I want to marry you!" He said excitedly. I smiled guiltily. I do not want to marry you, or at least not right now. I've got an entire life waiting, and entire college education waiting.

I looked at him. I was lost for words. He let go of my hands, and I kept repeating 'no' in my head over and over. He pulled out a ring and got on one knee. I started crying, not because I was happy, but because I didn't want to marry him, and I felt bad. This changes everything. "Yes," I said, as more and more tears just came out of my eyes. He put the ring on my finger and hugged me. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!" He said joyfully. What have I done? That night we had a movie night and then went to bed. I ended up crying myself to sleep, as dramatic as that sounds.

I woke up really early to finish last minute packing. I feel grateful that my flight is at 7 a.m. It's currently 4 a.m. Cameron was still sleeping, and by the time I was ready to leave it was 5:10. I left a note saying I was gone and that I will miss him. I looked at the ring on my finger which almost made me cry again. I got in my car and drove into the dim morning. 

I reached the airport as the sun was rising, and I was a little late. I got my bags checked in and walked fast to my gate. 

"Flight 673 now boarding for Cork, Ireland. Boarding group A now boarding." I was boarding group B, so I was just on time. I sat down for a moment ready for my 15 hour flight to Cork. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and got up and adjusted my pants. There were no connecting flights, so this is gonna be a long flight.

"Boarding group B 1-30 now boarding."



i actually updated :^)

BUT WOAH PLOT TWIST!!!! im weird why am i like this


ok bye love yall <33

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