-chapter 2

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I finished up training feeling tired an drained. I scooped up the water bottle Of the table and drank. I wiped the water off my chin with the back of my hand . "That was good ," Chase said but I knew what was to come next. My mistake . "But I think you need to be training more so we can discover all your abilities ."
"Ugh," I groaned . Chase smirked and put a hand on my shoulder . "Dont worry you will do better,"
I groaned again. "Okay I am done I'm going to my room." I said walking off.

I sat on the armchair in my room with my arms crossed. I didn't want Chase to be my mentor . If he was my mentor I would go crazy and it would end our friendship. I yelled in frustration.
I jumped Chase stood in the doorway. I turned red but I didn't look at him. he walked over to me. "I'm sorry okay the first day is always the worst I just ," and he trailed off. I rubbed my eyes . "you just what?"

"I want you to be able to defend yourself I don't want anything to happen to you I promised I would help you ,"he said quietly . I felt a bump in my throat. I stood up and faced him. "I'm sorry ," I said not looking him in the eye. he stepped closer and my breathing hitched. he tilted my chin up to look at him. "I should be apologizing ," he admitted . "I shouldn't have been so hard on you,". Me having a dirty mind I laughed.
He laughed to probably more at me for my mind than anything .
"Soooo," I trailed.
"Soooo," he repeated.
"You want to go out and do something?" I asked. he frowned "I can't I have another training session in twenty minutes. "You could always help me cook lunch," I suggested patting my belly. he chuckled and nodded. I swaggered over to my kitchen . "Seriously how does your dad afford this?'' I asked. He shrugged . "I don't really know but anyone who asks him that he says my good looks," . I laughed . Chase walked up beside me who came so close to me I could feel the heat of his body. "So what are we making?" he asked curiously and innocently. "Your doing that on purpose ?" I blurted out. "Doing what?"
"You know what your doing!" I said pretty sure I was a bionic tomato by now.
I took out a pot "Can you boil some noodles for me?" I asked politely hoping he would move away. Why was he turning me on so much?
He moved away and I instantly felt myself cool down. stop it I told myself he's your mentor.
I cut up some tomatoes and peppers. We worked in silence . But there was a tension in the atmosphere I couldn't ignore.
"Ah!" I heard Chase cry out . I turn around to see chase holding his wrist which was red and swollen. "what happened ?" I asked walking over to him trying to see his wound. "I burned myself," he said through gritted teeth. I gently removed his other hand so I could see his burn better. There was a long white streak from his middle finger down to his wrist. "This looks like a bad one," I stated . his face was contorted like was trying to hold back his pain. I led him to my bathroom. I took a first aid kit off the top of the shelf on my tiptoes. I took it down and quickly took out the gauze and Cream. "This is going to hurt ," I warned and took his hand and run it under cold water. next I gently patted it dry. he flinched. I felt sorry. I applied the Cream which I knew would stink . "Crap," he cursed bending over. I wrapped it and ran to grab a ice pack. I took his hand in mine and put the ice pack on the wound. We stood close and I felt my heart race. "better?" I whispered . He nodded "Yeah tons," he stepped closer and put his hand behind my neck. "I'm really clumsy aren't I?" he asked half embarrassed . I giggled "Yeah,'' . Our voices were still quiet as if we didn't want anyone know we were alone. his breath was warm. I felt a lump in my throat . Not like crying but like an urge. He was very handsome . he looked down at me. I was six inches shorter than him. we stood two inches apart. I went to lean in to close the gap between us when a buzz came from his belt. He furrowed his eye brows and scowled. "I have to go I'm sorry," he mumbled moving away. I wanted him to stay but I stood still as he left not looking behind.

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