Chapter 1: The society

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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."-H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Hi, I'm Scarlet Wenzel, just a normal teenage girl with a twist.

I have always wanted love but Never knew what it felt like. I can't wait to experience it in my second part of my life where I begin again.

In my society we begin our first life from 1-16. Then we have a second life that's 17-54, and a third that's 55-79. Then we are sent to the Home for elders.

Our society has lasted for a long time, ever since the United States of America lost the Third World War. People who survived the war decided to make a society that could be protected, and would limit the probabilities to fail. So far they have held up there end but I don't think it will last much longer.

I don't remember when my mom and dad were a happily married couple. They got divorced when I was two and a half, and my dad left my mom, my brother, and I. I remember having dreams from when my dad left my mom, but wasn't sure if it was real or not. I am not in any contact with my dad at all. When I was young we were always together until he got a girlfriend then he barely paid any attention to me. At the time I thought it was just normal. Now I know he didn't really care about me. He told me that he couldn't make time for me. I was his first born. Like hello? I'm your daughter too. I know you have two more children, but what about me. I struggle everyday not sure if I should call him or just never speak to him again.

So if you couldn't tell I have daddy issues.

We are having a ceremony called adulthood years tomorrow, and they have decided to change part of it from previous years. I want to know what it is. They haven't changed this part of life since a few years after the beginning. I guess we will figure it out tomorrow.


My society really likes to show meanings for everything. For example, our name. They tell us to share our meanings of our name when we meet a new person.

My name is Scarlett. I really think my mom just named me that because I was born with red hair. My middle name is Noelle. I was born around Christmas time so I think that my mom thought it would be a good middle name. Not really sure if it is though. My last name is Wenzel, after my father. Just like in the previous world children take the father's last name.

I think it's really dumb like what if they are one of the sinister's in disguise, and we tell them things about ourselves.

Sinister's are people of our society who are criminals. Not many escape from the barren place, but it happens occasionally.

I get up from the big rock, I nicknamed Rocky after my primary school teachers name, and stare at the ocean one last time before returning to my apartment. It splashes against the rocks along the side of the coast. My long brown, auburn hair flows through the wind and mists of water collect in it. I've been drawn to this ever since I was a kid. My mom brought me here one day and I have always hung out here since. I come here to clear my head and think about situations. The soothing sound of the ocean is so tranquil and peaceful. I hate to leave, but I have to prepare for tomorrow. I will come back I promise to the ocean and walk slowly to my car. Making the distance between me and the ocean bigger. I've always felt like it was apart of me.

Tomorrow will be the day I start the second beginning of my life. I'm ready and I will let it take hold at the ceremony of adulthood years.

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