Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember

Start from the beginning

Just then Aaron and Cathy came out.

-"Are you alright?" Cathy asked in a low tone as she came to stand next to me.

I nodded, not daring to speak, afraid my voice would give away that I was not alright.

-"That dude is an ass, Ana, I saw him on the news last night, total tool. You should ditch him and marry a nice guy, like someone who is into ghost or something like that." Aaron said with a grin.

Zak glared at him and poked him hard in the ribs.

-"Ouch! What the hell!" Aaron gasped in pain.

I watched both guys curiously but my thoughts were all to soon interrupted by my mother telling us dinner was served.


In the large dining room, it was the typical setting for when my mother had company. The lavish table was decorated with a lovely cream tablecloth, along with matching dishes and silverware. Large candelabras with light yellow candles were burning brightly. The rest of the table had several ornate bouquets of flowers.

I quickly sat down where I usually sat and to my dismay Justin sat next to me. Cathy sat opposite of me with Aaron next to her. Everyone filled in the seats, until the last seat left was on the other side of me, Zak sat in it. I felt myself shrink slightly at the thought of the two men who were on each of my sides.

Once everyone was seated my mother stood and cleared her throat, waiting for silence to fall. She gave the room a wide smile.

-"Before we eat I wanted to thank you all for coming. I also wanted to say thank you to all of you, who in this time of need have been so supportive." She sniffled and grabbed her napkin to dab her eyes. "This has been a trying time for me, with my daughter." She gave a dramatic sigh. "But I still love my darling little girl and we shall try this wedding a second time, and I promise you all it will memorable."

Suddenly wishing I could crawl under the table and disappear, my mother ended her speech and the guest all nodded in agreement while some clapped politely. Several people turned an angry glare towards me and I silently prayed I could just die, right now. Thanks mother, I thought to myself bitterly. My face heated and my stomach churned like an angry bee hive was swarming.

With my hands on my lap I wrung them anxiously until I felt a wonderful warm hand, gently stilling my fidgeting hands. I looked to my left, where the hand had come from. Zak's face was hard, he looked so angry that his stare could stop anyone in their tracks. He gently wrapped his big hand over mine and slowly rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand, sending chills of pleasure down my spine. I felt his warm ring on his thumb brushing against my hand every time he went over my skin.

I suddenly had the most erotic image of Zak's hands caressing my arms down until he reached the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head. Hearing his breath quicken as I watched his eyes light up with passion. His lips moved with lightning speed to my neck. My arms slipped under his shirt feeling his hard chest. He groaned and lightly bit on my neck.

With a hard jolt I was all too soon back to reality as I felt Justin's hand on my shoulder. He stood behind me with his clasp tightening down. I blinked a few times and tried my best to calm my rapid breathing. I dared a look to my left. Zak sat motionless but held a cocky smirk on his face, as if he knew where my thoughts had gone. I quickly looked away and tried to concentrate on what Justin was saying.

-"Thank you for all your kindness mom, well you are not mom to me yet, you should have been." Justin gave a bright smile and a laugh at his joke. "Anastasia and I are very pleased that you are all so willing to reschedule our wedding, isn't that right Ana?" Justin's hand squeezed hard on my shoulder until I found myself nodding just so he would let go.

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