#2 Hook's denial - Peter Pan

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Y/N's POV:

You were walking hand in hand with Peter after you had been down by Mermaid Lagoon. It was a special place to you, because the first time Peter had kissed you, you were sitting on the rocks there. At Mermaid Lagoon. And now, now he had just said he loved you. 

Neverthless, you knew deep down, that the two of you could never be. Why? Because your father wouldn't let you. And you may be wondering who that annoying son of a bitch to father thatmight be; Captain Hook. 

Yup, your father was Killian Jones, AKA, Captain Hook, and he despised Peter more than anything, which was also why he had forbiddedn you to ever see Peter ever again. As if that was going to happen!

You tightened your grip on Peter's hand and looked up at him. "Peter, what are we going to do about my father?" He stopped and stepped in front of you, cupped your cheeks and planted a kiss on your forehead, before resting his forehead on yours. "I'll go talk to him! I'll make him change his mind! I promise you, Y/N, you and I; we will be together and I will do anything for us to be together!"

You loved it when he talked like that to you; showing his emotions and not being afraid to do so. You loved it when he didn't hide his true feelings, because he had no reason to do so! 

You nodded and sofly kissed his lips. He grinned and embraced you in a giant hug. When he pulled away he said, "I'm going to go talk to him now then!" And then he was gone, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

Third person's POV:

Hook was pacing back and forth, surrounded my murderous thoughts. He had just witnessed Pan confessing his love for his daughter and he hated it! There was no way that Y/N was staying in Neverland! Not as long as Pan had feelings for her!

He felt a gust of wind and he immediately knew who had just showed himself. He turned around and lashed his hook after that nasty little demon, but Pan had already disappeared, and he missed.

"Now, now captain. You don't want to kill Y/N's one true love, do you?" Hook felt the burning rage inside of him as Pan talked about himseld being Y/N's true love. There was no way he could be!

"As a matter of fact; I actually wouldn't mind!" Hook said and turned to face Pan, who knew, that annoying Hook like that, before asking for permission of letting Y/N stay there with him and letting them be together, probably wasn't the best idea.

Hook swung his sword to meet Pan's throat, but Peter just smirked and cocked and eyebrow. "So, Y/N believes that you won't be persuaded into letting her stay here with me and let us be together?"

Hook scoffed and retreated his sword, "well, she's right as usual! Now get away from her!

"What if I were to offer you something that's very hard to come by?" Peter asked and immediately gaining Hook's full attention, "a passage off the island? That is what you've been wanting, right?" Peter knew that negotiating with Y/N father, probably wasn't the best idea, but he also knew that he was lost without Y/N, so it was his last option.

Hook was really temted by the offer, and really thought about taking the offer, but the couldn't leave her daughter alone on that bloody island, and then also with Pan!

"Listen Pan; I will find a way off the island, with or without your consent, and when I do, I'm taking me daughter with me!" 

Pan knew there was nothing to do about it, and it hurt him to think, that his Y/N would leave him, sp he decided he wouldn't just give up like that; he promised her he wouldn't!

He stepped closer to the cpatain and pulled Hooks's flask up from his belt and shoved it into the annoyingly, overprotevtive father's chest. "Here, have a drink; you know it always helps you think!" And with that he was gone, vanished into the thin air.

Y/N's POV:

You waited anxiously for Peter to return, and when he finally did, you enveloped him in a big hug. He buried his head in your hair, and you buried your head in the crook of his neck. You were so sure that your father had let you stay together with Peter, that you hadn't even noticed the sad look on his face, as Peter pulled away from you.

"Y/N, he wouldn't here of it... he would't let us be together..."

You a step back in surprise. What did he just say? Your father wouldn't let you two be together? He wouldn't let you be happy? 

You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and the more you looked at Peter, the more hopeless you felt. In the corners of Peter's eyes, had he too, started to develope tears, and that was it for you. Tear after tear streamed down your cheek and Peter pulled you into a hug and carefully stroke your hair.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N! I really tried. I did! I even offered him passage off the island, but, but h-he-"

"Shhh... it's okay. We'll find another way! It's o-okay." You didn't even believe what you said, so how could Peter? But you wanted to believe it! Him and you could and would find a way to be together! You alwayd had and always would! 

But you still couldn't help but feel utterly hopeless. What if it wouldn't work out? What if you were bound to leave with your father, and never see Peter ever again? Oh god! What if you were to never see him again? Never see your love again?!



Hello Pan lovers!

So I know that this imagine was rather short, but fear not; I will try to make it both more interesting and longer next time!

And remember; requests' are open, so come with one if you're holding on to an amzing one!

Also; be sure to check out this amazing story called 'Never leave Neverland' by mindfulness_4, cuz iddis good!

But if you're more into the whole smut thing, 'Pleasure' by @@robbiekk, will be your dream book! 

C ya next time :D

- Raven Y.

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