8- Through Sickness and Health

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Willow's POV-

   Have you ever had a dreamless sleep, where you didn't know you were asleep but you felt an odd sense of peace?

  That's where I was. Stuck in a world of black, and I didn't even realize anything was out of the ordinary. To me, it seemed as though it was an average morning.

  I was sure that when I woke up, mom would be in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She would have a cheesy smile on her face, brown hair in a messy bun. She'd tell me to get ready for school and I'd complain.

   That's what would happen. Right? I would just wake up, and everything would okay.

   But I knew something was wrong. There was a nagging feeling at the back of my mind, like I had forgotten an important event, and something was trying to get me to remember. There was a strange feeling in my chest, as if something very sad had happened.

   It was the feeling you get when something awful happens to someone you know. I couldn't get myself to feel any empathy towards what had happened, because I couldn't remember what it was.

  I could hear a constant beeping noise, and I couldn't move. My eye lids felt heavy. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. It was as if my body was saying 'Something terrible happened, and when you wake up nothing will be the same. So enjoy the bliss of not knowing while you can, stay asleep'.

   I listened to the voice, giving in to the deep feeling of sorrow in my chest and shutting down my senses.


Jerome's POV-

   It's been two weeks. I used every chance I got to be at Willow's side.

The doctors have tried getting ahold of Willows family, but none of them have showed up yet. I instantly had a dislike towards her family. Who the hell was too busy to come visit a hospitalized family member after she had lost her mother.

   I didn't understand half of what these doctors were saying, but from what I can tell Willow's in stable condition. Which means that I don't have to stay on high alert every second in fear of her flat lining.

   The accident had given her multiple broken ribs as well as a broken arm and dislocated shoulder. She had a punctured lung and a concussion to go along with everything else.

   She was pretty banged up, but I could tell that she was in much better condition after undergoing multiple surgeries. What worried me most was her still being in a coma.

   At the moment, I was standing over her bed, holding her hand gently in mine.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" I whispered cautiously to the nurse.

   "Hard to tell" she sighed "if she wakes up, it's completely up to her when she does".

   I turned her hand over in mine, stroking it softly. "Can she hear me?" I said so softly that at first I thought the nurse didn't catch it.

   "We like to believe so" she replied.

The nurse checked a few of the machines and gave me a warm smile before leaving the room.

  I let my body drop into the chair next to Willow's bed in exhaustion. A tired sigh passed my lips as I brought a hand up to run through my hair.

   Even with the tube in her throat and all the wires she was beautiful. "What am I gonna do with you?" I huffed with a small laugh.

  Hoping she could hear me, I began to talk to her. I talked for hours about anything I could think of. And just like when we were kids, she listened the whole time.

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