Trying to go back to normal.

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*Amber's POV still*******

** Next morning***

I woke up with Michael toned arms around me,being in this arms made me feel so safe. I slipped out of Michael grip , trying to not wake him. I walked out of the room entering the kitchen to get something to eat. As i was eating Levi finally woke up but still not saying a word to me.

" Good Morning!" I said trying to get him to talk to me. But he continued to ignore me.

" Really,your not gonna talk to me now?" I said irritated.

" Leave me alone Amber!" Levi finally replied not making eye contact.

" So you just not gonna work out our problems? Your just going to give me the silent treatment like 5 year old?" i said. He didnt me the silent treatment. I devilishly smiled, he wants to act like a 5 year old,2 can play at that game! i decide to the little annoying sister come out of me. 

Levi was sitting in the middle of the couch watching TV. I went and sat by him.

" Hey Levi." I said.No answer 

" Hey Levi,Levi hey hey Levi. Hey.Hey Levi,hey Levi hey Levi" I said poking him repeatedly , being annoying on propose. Levi got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. I got up and followed still saying 'hey Levi,Levi hey Levi'. I could tell i was being annoying. He still wasnt speaking to me so i decided to be even more annoying. I started to whiny about everything, tugging on his arms. After a while of doing that it still didnt work.... So i decide maybe we should take this to 13 year girl level. I picked up a Banana throwing it at his head,missing by a inch.

" The Fuck? What the hell is wrong with you,crazy bitch!" Levi said finally talking to me.

I picked up another banana throwing at him while saying " Well this seems to be the only way you'll talk to me!" 

" its on!" He yelled throwing grapes at me. So this ended up turning into a food fight. We were tossing anything that was in arm reach away. I was starting to get really mad so i changer at Levi tackling him to the ground. I had Levi pinned for a second then he flipped us over pinning me to the ground. He had my hand above my head and HE WAS ABOUT TO SPIT ON ME! 

" you Better not!" I yelled.

" Whose gonna stop me." He said in a teasing tone.

The spit was inches away from my face when we suddenly heard.

" What the hell happened here?"

it was Michael, as our attention was on him Levi's spit  landed right on my forehead.

" EWWWW! OH MY GOSH! THAT DISGUSTING!" I yelled whipping it off my face, i look over to see Michael and Levi on the ground laughing their asses off.

" Its not funny!" I said

" Haha Yeah it is" Michael replied,Levi was still on his ass laughing. I went to tackle Levi again but then Michael grabbed my arm.

" wow calm down tiger!" Michael said to me

" No! Thats fucking disgusting! " I said trying to get out of his grip,but he just pulled me closer to him. I had to stop trying getting away then cause i was scared i might some how hit Michael's wound.

" I hate you guys." I pouted with my arms crossed.

" Haha Your so cute when you pout,Haha You might wanna go wash the spit off your face babe." michael said. I just scowled at him. 

I went and shower , cleaned my self up, got dress in a pair of sport shorts and a plain white T.I let my hair air dry,i have natural beautiful curly hair. I have a bathroom with contented to my room,i exited my bathroom to find Michael laying on my bed. Right when i walked out he started laughing ...Again.

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