Was He Sorry?

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*ambers POV* after what happened that night with Michael, I didn't see him much the next 5-6 days, it made me wander " did he feel bad? Embarrassed ?"

Then one morning I woke up and walked out to the living room to find him sitting with Levi at the kitchen table sorting stuff out, I couldn't tell what it was and to be honest I didn't wanna know, its probably something that had to do with the gang.

Levi then looked up at me and said " The Beast Has Awaken!ahahaha" Michael looked up at me and quickly looked down. " ha ha your so funny.. NOT!" I sarcastically said. " you know It was funny, wasn't it funny Mike?" " um sure whatever..." Michael said not even looking up.

I think he felt bad for what happened. But why? Levi made it sound like he did that stuff all the time? I wasn't surprised at his actions, yeah I was scared but these kinds of things always happened out here. They were never made into a big deal. Plus even if someone did go to the cops, they wouldn't care. I just wandered why did it seem to bother him so much? Maybe it didn't? Maybe I'm just over thinking?

" what ever y'all just mad cause I'm..." "Anyways.... What are your guys plans for the day?" I said interrupting Levi. " um I don't know? What are we doing mike?" " uuhhh, I don't know haven't quite figured that out yet..." Michael said rubbing his face with his hands. " well we all should go do something today, I'm tired of sitting in this house." I suggested. "now that i think of it, actually I need you guys to come with me some where tonight."Michael said. "Where? And why?" Levi and I both asked. " well I have some business I have to get done and I have to meet people at this party and I need Levi, and I guess you can come too. It's nothing big.its not dangerous I promise.", Michael said finally making eye contact with me. He seemed so innocent, it was weird.

Me and Levi both agreed to go.

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