Pouring the tea, Galadriel watched the liquid fill the cup until it was full. She then passed you the cup.

"Le fael (Thank you), Grandmother," you spoke while brining the warm drink to your lips.

After you took a sip, Galadriel asked, "How is your family?"

You shrugged. "All is well, but they seem to only want to argue." Fiddling with your fingers, you continued, "It's very tiring, so I decided to visit you for a short while."

"I assumed that is why you visited on such a short notice," she poured herself some tea. "Yes, your family is rather prone to arguments, but that is because they all worry about each other."

Sighing, you agreed. Your family may argue, but there was never a time where you doubted their love and support. "I suppose that's true, but-" you turned to look out the window to see the elf you had run into earlier within your view.

Galadriel continued talking, however, thinking that you stopped speaking because it was a difficult subject.

But that wasn't the case. You had stopped talking because you were observing the elf train younger elves in what appeared to be the art of sword craft.

The elf from before definitely was a captivating person. It seemed folly to be entranced with a stranger, but you couldn't help it. His graceful movements with a sword only made you stare even longer.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Galadriel's voice. "Y/N, were you listening?" she asked, more amused than irritated.

You turn to face her. "I, uh," you stammered, not wanting to admit that you practically ignored your grandmother to creepily stare at someone.

"It was quiet amusing watching you stare at Haldir," Galadriel stated nonchalantly.

You nervously chuckled. "I guess I was being pretty creepy."

She waved her hands in dismissal. "Nonsense. You're just curious." Galadriel paused for a moment. "Well, he is our new warden, so I trust you will go greet him with me, as you are my granddaughter, and I could use your companionship."

"I think I'll stay here.  I don't want to intrude on any security matters of Lothlórien," you said, politely smiling.

You didn't exactly want to meet the warden, Haldir. After all, you were content with keeping your relationship professional; usually, if you kept your distance, you wouldn't get overly attached or embarrass yourself.

"Please, Y/N. Your grandmother is getting really old and could use some assistance," Galadriel feigned helplessness.

You considered her offer again. You were here to visit your grandmother, and it would be pointless to stay alone in her house.

"Fine. I'll go," you finally declared after thinking it over.

Galadriel smirked, "Excellent."


"My lady," Haldir bowed as Galadriel approached him.

You hung back a little ways, so you wouldn't be very noticeable. Galadriel knew this and moved to place her hands on her shoulders to force you in front of her.

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