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Its been a few days since we've left & I've used the time I'm not on watch to familiarize myself with all that aboard. Ive walked around below deck, all 2 levels, the hold, & the deck where I live. The hold is empty for the most part save for a few crates evenly distributed & a few barrels all strapped. I seen the cook make his way to & from the hold several times. It makes me wonder what could be in there. Anyways I've also learned one does not bathe aboard causing the ship to smell not very pleasantly. As long as were on the topic of pleasant smells, the bathroom is in the front of the ship, hence why its called the head.
Im starting to get the watch sequence. The beginning of the day starts off with a watch from 00-4, then 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, 16-20, then it gets tricky, first dogwatch which is 20-22, & second dog watch or 22-00. Im told they're to stagger watches so one doesn't get the same hours. Each sailor is required to sign up for 2 watches. I got quite fortunate, having consecutive watches making most of my days 8hrs watch, 8hrs sleep, 8hrs my choice.
The sunrise watch -as i call it- is by far my favorite. Watching the first lights come up above over the rocking waves, kissing the masts first then slowly cascading down to the rest of the ship finally embracing the hull as it rocks over the waves.
Im told we're somewhere off the coast of northern Africa but rumors are going around we're closer to Spain. Either way its rough seas, not to mention the tilts & turns the ship makes when it tacks & jibes.
Often do I hear the sailors on deck singing shanties of the sea. Below deck some play instruments, some play various card games, some talk, & some tinker with possessions such as knifes & coins. Its lively to say the least. But this is life to some people, I can understand why but I wouldn't want to spend my life here, honestly the reason I'm on board is I need money to start a business & I do not want to pay back loans for decades. Maybe a general store or some peaceful manual trade.
Life aboard isn't so bad, it only takes a small bit of effort.

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