23. Key to my Heart

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Not too dressy, not too casual. Not too dressy, not too casual. That was the mantra I repeated to myself as I looked through my closet. It seemed as if everything wasn't flattering today, or maybe it was the bundle of butterflies in my stomach. You would think I'd be over them by now, but apparently not. My hair was already done in a curly half up style, adorned with a flower headband. It wasn't quite a flower crown, though the top looked like one. My makeup was done too, just slightly darker and with a bolder shade of lipstick that I knew I would have to re-apply. I just had to find something flattering...

I finally decided to settle on black skinny jeans and a semi-dressy shirt, with a tan coloured scarf with little grey birds since it was getting cold. After debating for a while, I decided against the cardigan. It wouldn't be that cold, right? After adding a pair of silver leaf earrings to my look, I was ready. Just in time too, as I heard the doorbell ring.

Harry was framed by the doorway, wearing a black blazer that almost looked like a suit jacket. It didn't give him a 'younger' look either, which it used to. Instead, he looked... more mature, and definitely sexy. He was carrying a jacket in his left arm, and a bouquet of roses in the other.

"You look beautiful," he said, licking the edge of his lips. He pulled out a small black box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a gorgeous, vintage rose gold necklace. Hanging on the end of the delicate chain was a very detailed key, made of burnished metal. "And bear with me on my cheesiness, but you have the key to my heart." I laughed breathily as he secured the necklace, even though it was covered up by my scarf.

"It's beautiful. When did you get it?"

"Remember how when we were in Manchester, we went to that little vintage store? I got this and forgot about it, until now, that is." I gave him a little grin, bumping my hip with his as I slid on a pair of shoes that matched Harry's description of a heel. "Should I bring a bag?" I asked. I didn't want to have to dag it around with my if I didn't need to.

"You can, but I don't think you need to." I slipped my phone into my pocket, settling on no bag. He wrapped an arm around my waist, tucking three of his fingers into my back pocket.

"So where are we going?"

"I know it's cheesy, but it's a surprise." He grinned, and kissed my temple. I rolled my eyes, shoving his shoulder gently.

"Well distract me otherwise I'll keep bugging you about your 'surprise'." He opened the door to his gorgeous Audi. "Your car is fab," I said, running my hands over the soft leather. 

"Not as fab as me." He chuckled, starting up the engine. We drove out of the villa, and weaved through the traffic quite quickly.  There was a comfortable silence, it wasn't as if we had nothing to talk about, more like we wanted to cherish the peace and quiet that didn't come along very often. Soft music was being played through the speakers, though I couldn't tell what song it was.

Eventually, we rolled out of the city, and into the country side. Harry drove up a long private driveway, before parking and jogging around to my side to get the door.

"Nice to know chivalry isn't dead," I complemented, as we made our way down a small path. I felt his large hands slip over my eyes, blocking my vision.

"Even though you probably already know what's coming, pretend you're surprised, okay?" he mumbled, carefully steering me down a set of stairs. "Tada!" His hands suddenly lifted, and I saw three horses standing in front of me. I didn't have to act surprised, because I was.

"Oh my god, are we going horseback riding?" I said, spinning around to face him. He had an unsure smile on his face.

"Yeah." I threw my arms around his neck in a tight hug.

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