Chapter 3

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Just a hint of a smile touched his lips, but his eyes—oooh, his eyes—promised she would get everything she wanted too. What did she want that he could give her? A little freedom, a little fun, and a lot of trouble. Dangerous thoughts about a dangerous man. Jane almost smiled in return. Did she really want that? She shook her head. "Why me?"

"Why not? You're very pretty, and I can tell you need to have a little fun."

Fun. That might be enough for him, but not for her. She refused to be just another notch on his bedpost.

"I have other plans." She swung her heavy backpack over her shoulder and wobbled backwards when the books shifted, nearly knocking her to the floor. She had goals to accomplish, dreams to reach for. Fun played no part in her plans.

"Not anymore."

"Wow, that's overconfident."

"Come on, baby. Are you up for it?"

She ignored that challenge and shot back one of her own. "Say my name."

"What's the matter... Gina?"

"Wrong again."

"I'm really bad at names."

He probably rarely made the effort to remember them, not when baby or sweetheart would do. "I noticed, but I hear you're good at everything else." Did I say that out loud?

Austin laughed. "That's true. I may not remember your name, but I will remember what you like in bed, where you like to be touched, how you like to be kissed... and where." His voice got soft and husky as he backed her up against the lockers, his body almost touching hers, his lips close but still so far away. "Come with me, and I'll give you something to remember."

A little thrill shot through her body, and for a moment Jane debated tossing her books on the floor and grabbing the fun he promised. Austin pursued pleasure without reservation, without hesitation, and apparently, without rules. How else could he go from screwing a bouncy blonde cheerleader to seducing boring bookworm Jane in the space of a few minutes?

"No." There. She finally said it.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He leaned back to look at her.

She couldn't help but laugh. "I figured you wouldn't understand that word." She pushed him away.

He stood with his hands on his hips, his eyes intent on her. "Oh, I understand plenty. You think you can resist me."

"Yes, I can." But do I want to?

"You think you're immune to my charms."

"I am." For now.

A slow, practiced smile curved his lips, and something dangerous danced in his eyes. "We'll see how long that lasts."

She had a feeling it wouldn't last long at all. "Are we done now?" She held her bag tighter and headed for the door.

He followed her. "Not by a long shot, darlin'."

She stopped and fixed her eyes on him.


"Still wrong." When she reached the locker room door, he held it open for her. Nice move, but she could practically see his ulterior motive taunting her in his eyes.

"The next time we meet, I won't be so nice." Austin winked at her and disappeared down the hallway.

Jane leaned back against the wall and caught her breath. Darn it. She'd said no. No next time. So why am I thinking about a next time?

Next chapter coming 3/22.

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