Chapter 26: INSTAGRAM

Start from the beginning

"I see you driving around town with the girl I love, and I'm like... FUCK YOU!" I sing, and Chris laughs. 

"I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough. I'm like aw fuck," he says, and I stand up. We start to dance and laugh. 

"Why don't you go tell you fucking boyfriend!" he says and laughs. 

"FUCK YOU, AND FUCK HER TOO!" we both yell together, and keep dancing. He grabs my waist and pulls my in for a kiss. I kiss him back. "Awe guys!" we hear Ricky's voice, and look over to him. 

I glare, and I laugh. "Just so you know, I videotaped all of that! Instagram bitches!" Josh yells, and I laugh. 

"That's fine with me," Chris says, and I nod. 

Soon all of our phones dying, and we look at it. The video was actually really cute. I start to look through the comments and smile. "

"@andyblack: OMG I MISS YOU TWO! SO CUTE!" Dad comments, and I laugh. 

"@Cc'sPeices: Where are those dance moves I taught you, niece? Huh? HUH?" I read, and bust up. Cc is quite the character.

@ronnieradke: Love you, Dillon! Family Band Day soon before the big day yeah? How about that @kellingquinn, @andyblack?" I answer immediately. 

"@DillonBiersack That sounds awesome @ronnieradke! We have to or I am going to lose my fucking mind! Oh, and did you get the invitations yet?" I ask, and place my phone back in my pocket.

Chris looks at me and smiles. "You ready to be Mrs. Cruelli?" he asks, and I nod. 

"Never been more ready," I say, and he kisses my cheek. 

"More importantly...are you ready to be Dillon Motionless? Are you ready to be Motionless In White officially?" Ricky asks, and I look over to him. 

"Yeah of course. I love your fans." I say smiling, and he nods. 

"Just making sure," he says and flashes me a smile. I smile at him and lean back into the couch. Then it hit me. "DID WE TELL THE FANS WE ARE GETTING MARRIED?" I yell, and everyone freezes. 

"Shit," Chris says, and place my head in my hands. 

"We are going to get so many questions now! Wait! We could do a video!" I say, and everyone nods. 

"Okay everyone sits on the fucking couch, in a nice order. We are doing this now." I say, and all the guys situate themselves on the couch. I set up the camera on a tripod, and press play. I sit in the middle of Chris, and Ghost. Chris puts his arm around me. "Hey, guys!" Ricky says. 

"So today we have some big news!" Just says, and I smile. 

"We are going to let Chris, and Dillon tell you, but we are SO excited!" Ghost says then Chris takes a deep breath. 

"Alright people. As you know Dillon is THE love of my life. She is the most amazing woman, it's not even funny. Around Christmas, I asked her to marry me! I am so sorry we haven't told you sooner, but as you know we are on tour, and our lives are fucking crazy." he says, and I nod. 

"Also our wedding is in a month and a half. We are going to get married on Halloween, and we are going to release our engagement photo's tonight after I post this!" I say, and all the guys nod. 

"Any words?" Chris asks and looks at the guys. 

"Oh yeah! We are already happy to add a Black Veil Bride's girl into our Motionless In White Family, and mix the two bands! We figured out that when the two have kids, it will be a Motionless In A Black Veil baby!" Ricky says, and I laugh.

"Yup! My 'family' meaning black veil brides love these guys as well! I hope you guys aren't mad at us for not telling you sooner! We have to go, but we all just really wanted to let you know!" I say, and all the guy's wave. 

I stop the camera and look at the smiling. "Time to edit," I say, and grab the camera plugging it into my laptop. 

I start to edit, and ten minutes later, it is finished. The guys and I watch it make sure we are all happy with it, then post it.

Not even two minutes later we are getting comments and likes. I love the comments. 

@peircevic about damn time kid! Love you two, and see you at either family band day, or the wedding.

@AndyBlack I was wondering when you would announce it to the fans!

@Ronnieradke I love how YOU didn't tag me in the video, and I find out by my fans asking if I knew about this!" I laugh at that. 


@PtcJamie Hey @Tonyperry.... what were you holding in? Oh, and congrats on the announcement you two! Love ya!" I start to laugh, and the guys all look at me. I hand them my phone, and the all laugh as well. "I am really jumping into a weird family," Chris says, and I nod. 

"Not too late to back out! It may be for your own safety." I say, and he rolls his eyes. 

"I don't need safety if I am with you," he says and pecks my cheek. I smile and lean into him. Wow.... I can't believe we almost forgot to tell the fans.  

Growing Up As Andy Biersack's Daughter. (Chris Motionless Love Story!)Where stories live. Discover now