letter of regret

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dear April,

 i am truly sorry for abandoning you for three years without a word. Although i do regret not talking to you about it first or at all during the time period i had no choice, it was the only way. to keep you safe and to be able to start a family with you with a job that wouldn't ruin family time for our family like my father's did. 

you must be confused as to why you would be in danger and maybe slightly annoyed that i went ahead and planned for our future family for us, you might not even want a family anymore even though we promised each other when we were 8 years of age. but i must ask while your reading this. when you are finally awake and recovered . will you marry me. 

take your time to answer for i will always be there waiting for you between 12:00 a.m to 11:00 p.m under the tree we initialed. if you say yes i would certainly be happy and if you don't i would still like to be beside you as a friend. don't worry i'll explain why you were in danger when you want me to, jut remember i'll always love you and i'll always be there for you no matter what.

love forever, Leon


authors note: 

thank you for taking your time to read my short story to the end. if you don't like the characters you could always just replace April and Leon with your favorite ship in a movie, book, anime, and ext. like Hinata x Naruto a well known ship in the anime community or Naruto x Sasuke for yaoi lovers whatever floats your boat ;D.

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