Colonel Park pays a visit to the detained Shi Jin and starts off being petty with a swift kick to the shin while calling Shi Jin a crazy bastard. He demands to know why Shi Jin ruined his future with such a crazy stunt but Shi Jin is unapologetic, wanting only to accept responsibility for his solo actions.

Mo Yeon arrives wanting to see Shi Jin and encounters the leaving Colonel Park who happens to want to see the insane doctor Kang Mo Yeon. He hears the patient is in recovery and being monitored and chides Mo Yeon for being so arrogant as to think everything will be fine. He brings up her confidence because she's got skills and can open her own practice if she was fired, but now Shi Jin's career is over. His ten years as a soldier down the train and his life may be over as well if the patient doesn't wake up. Colonel Park sighs and asks Mo Yeon to make sure the patient wakes up so everyone here will be fine as well.

Colonel Park orders Dae Young to pack and head to the airport, his transfer order isn't changing. He places the base under the command of Lieutenant Choi for the time being. Before leaving he tells both men that if they are questioned back in Korea to place all the responsibility solely on Yoo Shi Jin.

Dae Young goes to say his farewells to Shi Jin who wonders if Dae Young doesn't want to disobey an order for the first time. Dae Young apologizes for leaving at a time like this and wants to give a report to Shi Jin who declines since he's not Dae Young's superior anymore. Dae Young tells Shi Jin that all his decisions today were correct and honorable. He will see Shi Jin back in Korea. Shi Jin promises to treat Dae Young to three days and nights of soju carousing when he gets back. Dae Young gives his official report and turns out it's currently May 2015 in the drama timeline.

Dae Young brings Mo Yeon to meet with Shi Jin, giving her ten minutes to talk. Mo Yeon and Shi Jin talk through the warehouse wall as Dae Young leaves for the airport. Mo Yeon is pretty down while Shi Jin remains his cheerful self. She apologizes but he doesn't see the need since she's a doctor doing her duty. Mo Yeon brings up how the patient hasn't woken up yet but Shi Jin doesn't like how she's concerned about so many men and suggests she just be worried about him only. He brings up how she was telling the truth about being sexy in the OR but Mo Yeon is in no mood to joke.

Mo Yeon knows that Shi Jin didn't have to make that choice back there but Shi Jin reminds her that his motto is to protect women, kids, and the elderly, and back there was two out of the three. He compliments Mo Yeon for being so brave but she's started to cry outside the door and he can hear it. She asks about his situation in the warehouse and wonders if he needs anything. He needs some explosives because he suddenly wants to blast out of there because of a certain someone.

Mo Yeon can't believe he can joke at a time like this and that's exactly what Shi Jin is impressed with himself to do something so difficult. Time's up and Mo Yeon hands through the crack to Shi Jin a spiral of incense to keep the mosquito away. He gladly accepts and says this is exactly what needs, then we see that he's in a warehouse with boxes of it. Mo Yeon dejectedly heads off while Shi Jin broods in the warehouse.

The little local boy that Chi Hoon helped is awake and wandering around the facility. He goes to check on Mubarat and touches his face to ask if he's well. A bodyguard drags him away before realizing that Mubarat has regained consciousness.

The medical team lets out a giant sigh of relief the next morning that the patient is awake. Dr. Song claims this is his second most stressful surgery of his career, with the most stressful being operating on Nurse Ha's mom. The team is called to join the soldiers in sending off the patient in a helicopter.

Lieutenant Choi reports to Dae Young that all is resolved and wishes him a safe flight back to Korea. Ki Bum is all weepy that Dae Young left just like that while Dae Young orders Lieutenant Choi to keep an eye on Ki Bum's studies.

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