21. How Could He Do This To Me??

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Hiiii friends , as u are always with me , love u all , now the story turns into a new way and interesting hope u like it , but at end it will happy ending , if u feel it is sad , don't forget picture abhi bhi baki hai ( the story is not yet ended ) ,

When time comes for u to give your heart to someone , make sure that u select who will never break your heart , because broken heart has no spare parts ,

I want to dedicate this chapter to rey501


Abhijeet POV :
I was really scared of everything now , the photos of dead body and threatening my girl everything , soon I informed Jai about this ,

" What the hell man , they killed him !!!! oh god , we should be more careful now , we were not able to trace that man but how did they do ?? " he said , ya we were not able to track him , but they even killed him , there is someone again helping him in department ,

" Where are the evidence he sent us ?? " I asked him ,

" In our office only , " he said ,

" Then we have to go , " I said and we started , soon we were in office , we ran to cabin , there was no file , ' damn it '

" After many years , we got something , now we again lost it , damn it , now what shall we do , " I asked in frustration ,

" First calm down , we have to think peacefully , first of all I will go increase security for our families , " he said and went out , yes from now we should be more careful , then my past came in front eyes just like a flash , it is like everything happened yesterday , we were happy till that , our happy family became pieces , our happiness got vanished in one day , that one day which changed our lives , which made us rocks , which made us to forget how to laugh , which took my lovely people away from , which ruined our lives in simple words ,

" Abhi , I made all the arrangements , but how ever we should be careful and let us inform all our family members to be careful , " Jai said ,

" We will but not now , we will make them come together this weekend and talk to them , if we say suddenly they will be scared more , " I said ,

" U are right , now what shall we do ? " he asked ,

" See we can stop this as soon as possible only when we prove him as criminal with all evidence , " I said ,

" How is that possible , I mean so soon , we already lost evidence , now I think we have to find who is his informer here , " he said ,

" U are right , but how ?? " I was thinking ,

" We can do one thing Abhi , we will just tell in office that we got some other evidence by our own sources , then there will be reaction by someone , they will try to call him or any other action we can find , " Jai gave idea ,

" U are right , we can do that , and to find that evidence , I think we have to know who this dead man is , so we can find something in his place , I hope so , because by his words in letter I think he kept another copy safely , " I said ,

" Ok then , we will do these two works , and we have to be really careful , especially u , " he said ,

I gave him a weak smile , I know I have to be careful ,

I have to inform HER to be more careful , but it is better if I go and talk to HER directly , I will go to HER home and talk to HER , she is not safe anymore , but I will not let anything happen to THEM ,

Soon I took vehicle and I drove to HER home , soon I was there , I knocked on door , SHE opened it , I soon hugged her , I want to make sure that she is fine , and will be fine , I gave peck on HER forehead ,

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