Chapter 8

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"Mum I think we should go to a hotel or something I don't like it over here" . I said feeling sick to my stomach. I don't know why but there is something about this house that I feel uncomfortable about. "Oh Charlie shush I don't think the alpha will like it he personally invited us to stay over here ". My mum said making a point BUT I wouldn't give up that easily ." but mum" " Charlie" my said in a warning tone as the door opened revealing a beautiful young lady about 22 or 23 with beautiful brown wavy hair and green eyes just like the beta . I think they are related . As i looked closer I noticed that she looked a lot like me in a sense with the same features as me .if I wasn't English you could've fooled us for sister . this girl had an aura around her so she must be the Luna considering the mark that was on her neck only alphas and Luna had this mark .it was a black moon with two wolfs howling but both of the wolfs were facing the other side that was weird if they were mates they were suppose to howl at the moon facing each other . maybe they aren't mates. That could be the only reason I've seen these mate marks before and every time I asked them why they were facing the opposite side they said because they are not real mates. I snapped back to reality when my mum nudged me in the rib really hard " owwwww what was that for " I screamed rubbing the now sore spot on my ribs . my mum gave me a pointed look that said you better get your head out of the clouds . I then looked in front of me and saw the Luna looking at me with shock and sadness in her eyes just like the beta." Luna " I said bowing my head in submission showing my neck. " who is she?" The luna asked my mum " she is my daughter Charlie Luna she is the head fighter of our pack and I'm Rebecca Edward we're from the silvemoon pack " my mum told her looking at the luna like she was crazy. A luna is suppose to know about the pack matters so she should know she'll be having visitors from another pack." Ohhhh I'm so sorry I forget things a lot lately you know what pregnancy does to you" she said . so she was pregnant . I then looked at her huge stomach " oh we're sorry luna we didn't notice and congratulations" I said apologizing to the luna for our lack of attention . instead of replying she just gave a me a warm smile with tears in her eyes . huh what's wrong with everyone here.
After that the luna took us inside to meet the rest of the pack and everyone that we met gave me a strange look it was kind of creepy if you ask me . we haven't met the alpha yet I wonder where he is.
"Mum why is everyone her acting so strange and looking at me like I have a baboon sitting on my head" I asked my mum through our family link . "what are you talking about charlie no ones looking at you like that". She replied completely oblivious to the looks and whispering.
"Ah he's here" the luna suddenly said making me look towards where she was looking . there stood In all his glory was the alpha of the bloodhound pack . he was so handsome I know its wrong because he's already mated and going to be a father soon but I couldn't resist drooling all over him . he was so tall about 6'2 with tan skin Grey stormy eyes like my mums but a bit more dark and ash brown hair that was messy making him look even more hotter then he already was .after I was done checking him out I made eye contact with him. I didn't expect to see love and lust in his eyes so I took a whiff of him just to make sure he wasn't my mate but no he wasn't so why was he looking me like I was a piece of meat. Even though he was hot as hell and I wouldn't mind jumping his bones I still felt a little uncomfortable under his extremely loving and lust full gaze. The Luna sensing my tension started talking making him drop his excruciating gaze " ahem Rebecca charlie this is my mate and the alpha of the bloodhound pack Damon blood and babe this is Rebecca and Charlie from the silver moon pack. Charlie here is there head fighter and Rebecca's daughter" the luna introduced us but the alpha was so busy eye rapping me that I bet he didn't hear any of the things the luna said.
Well this is going to be one hell of a trip....

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