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You've always been the one that took the stab for me.

I was rebellious, egotistic and the results of that, I'm always late for class. You were the smart, punctual one but you went over your own rules just to make sure I head to class too with you.

Even if trying to coax me would cost you an hour and treating me to my favorite snacks, you just complied with my wants even though your needs to study is being abandoned because of my ignorance.

And whenever we came into class late, you'll always be the one that takes the blame. I would just give you the looks whenever you explained why we were late. In the end, I realized that I was being too harsh on you because of the tears that fell on your notebook while the teacher was teaching.

I bet you didn't realize that I saw you wiping away those tears right?

Lightsaber ― Oh Sehunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें