Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace

Start from the beginning

"Welcome to the palace." Zelena finally spoke.

"Ah." Robin looked around the bathroom once more. "Thank you." His voice was hesitant, surprised.

Regina plastered a smile onto her face, the stiff encounter making her stomach knot. "A word?" Zelena's attention turned to the queen.

"Now isn't the best time." Regina crossed her arms over her chest. "I've got to get dressed and arrange a few things. Can it possibly wait?"

Regina watched the anger flick over her sister's features. "Of course, your majesty." Zelena bowed her head slightly, looking up through her long lashes. "Adtendite ad latronem. Judicium meum sit peior."

Be careful with the thief. His judgement may be worse than mine.

"Dissimilis qui elevantur super terram eius fumet et non est iudicium." Regina fired back, watching as her sister left.

"Your majesty?" Robin whispered. "What did she mean by your majesty? And... and what were you saying? Where's Roland and my men?"

Regina closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing for the conversation ahead. "Robin..." she whispered, running her fingers through her damp hair. There was so much she needed to tell him. So much he deserved to know. But there were also things that she couldn't say. Couldn't bare to reveal. Not now, at least.

"Where is my son?" Robin demanded, grasping Regina's shoulders.

"Roland is fine." Regina assured, looking up at the cool blue eyes that challenged her. "He's with my huntsman right now. I was about to go get him. He's safe."

Robin's gaze moved past her and I to the bedroom. "I need to see him." He muttered as he pushed past Regina.

"No." Her fingers curled around Robin's wrist, tugging him back towards her.

"Regina," He growled in protest. His eyes darkened as his body tensed in warning. "Don't-"

"Look at yourself, Robin." Regina let her free hand gently brush the skin of his left cheek before pulling away in search of her mirror. On the vanity, it sat, the gold flowers and vines holding the glass in place. "You'll frighten him." Regina insisted as she passed the mirror over to her partner. "Just let Katherine fix you up and you can bathe and then you'll be reunited. Tonight. At dinner. Please?" Seeing the doubt in his eyes, Regina moved closer to Robin, looking up through long lashes. "He's in good hands. I've been with him for weeks now. There's no need to worry." Discretely waving her hand over the hand held mirror, hoping to turn it into a looking glass without Robin noticing. "Right now he's with my huntsman."

Both Robin and Regina watched as the reflected image of Robin's scars disappeared into a navy cloud before a further away image of Roland and Graham replaced it. Graham sat on the side of a garden path, watching patiently as Roland ran to catch a butterfly, watching it move on his chubby little finger before letting the creature fly away. "See?" Regina smiled, turning away from the mirror and the man. "And, as soon as I'm dressed, I'll go down to the garden."

"How- how did you do that?" Robin sputtered, holding the small mirror in his large hands.

"What?" Regina tossed a single glance. Ack in his direction before bending over to pick up a hair pin. "The looking glass?" Her body jittered with nerves as she twisted the front of her hair back. "Just think of whom you want to see and it will show up. It... it was my mother's." Regina lied, clearing her throat. Robin's eyes followed the Queen around the room until she disappeared into the closet.

Popping out a minute later in a red evening gown, her features outlined with kohl and lipstick, Regina tilted her head. "There is no need to worry. I know you have a lot of questions and I cannot wait to answer them. But, in order to do so, I must get your son and you must clean up." Robins gaze followed Regina as she made her way closer, stopping to grab her crown.

Standing there, the dress hugging her body but leaving enough as mystery, Regina looked so foreign. Her hair curled perfectly down her back, her poise and posture one of a woman Robin would've never met in the past. This woman, this queen was a completely different person from the young girl he had found at the tavern. And while Regina was quite stunning, Robin felt uneasy about this new woman. This new life she seemed to fit perfectly in. A life he had no business in.

"No. I... I want answers now. I'm not going to sit here like a fool who doesn't know where he is or... or who he found all those months ago."

Regina saw the struggle in his eyes, the silent war she knew he was battling. Sighing, she lowered herself to the stool of her vanity. "Robin, I'm queen of the Enchanted Forest. My fiancé died and now we're at war with his kingdom. Or... we will be at war by tomorrow. It will be discussed more later." Regina waved her hand in the air, dismissing the subject. "You heard me speak my native tongue with Zelena and I'm sorry I left you out like that. She insulted me and the things that have gone on in our lives and I shut her down." Taking a deep breath, Regina mustered enough courage to look up at Robin. The spark she had once felt, the passion and the romance she had experienced was now gone; replaced with dread.

"Regina-" Frustration clouded the room, making it almost unbearable to breathe.

"Robin listen to me." Regina growled. "It pains me to... to talk about this. To tell you that my family tried to suppress my memories of you, to tell you about what... who I've become. I want to go back to the girl you knew and... and in some ways I still am. I still hate this world I'm trapped in... I still hate the idea of loosing you again." Tears welled in Regina's big eyes as she took a deep breath. "I want to tell you, I really do."

"Then tell me." His voice was soft now as Robin knelt in front of Regina, wiping her tears. "I've listened to you before, your majesty."

"No." Regina shook her head, looking robin in the eye. "Please don't call me that."

"M'lady." Robin's lips quirked with a hint of a smile. "I want to know. I need to know."

"There are things I haven't told anybody." Regina whispered, shaking her head. "Things that'll turn you away."

"I'm not worried." Robin offered her his hand, standing to his feet.

"Okay." Regina took a deep breath, preparing to tell him everything. On the edge of her bed sat a fresh pair of pants and a shirt for Robin. They had been there ever since she had first found him in the dungeon all those days ago. Looking at him now, Regina closed her eyes and pointed towards the stack of linens. "Let's maybe go for a walk?"

Hey guys! I'm SO sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I have been super duper busy but I know that's no excuse. I hope you enjoy this chapter as I try to regain a regular routine (sorry my writing skills may be a little rusty)

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