Maria Cacao and her Galleon

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The Story: Maria Cacao was a goddess who lived in the mountains of Talisay. She and her husband Mangao owned a huge plantation of cacao. Maria Cacao and Mangao were well-known traders. During harvest season, they would ply the Mananga River on their galleon to take their produce to the lungsod.

It Gets Crazy: During one stormy season, when the river water was unusually high, the mast of Maria Cacao’s galleon hit a wooden bridge. The busy bridge was instantly destroyed and numerous people were killed. Talisaynons shunned the couple because of the incident. The couple became reclusive and eventually, they were never seen again. Today, some Talisaynons who dwell along the Mananga River swear that they can still sometimes see the light at the top of the mast of a passing galleon during harvest months.

The Effect: During the rainy season, motorists who cross the Mananga Bridge usually beep their car horn as a sign of respect to Maria Cacao and Mangao.

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