A very pronounced knock on the door rouses me – somewhat. I groan and roll over hoping Carma will answer whoever is behind the door.

As the knocking continues and no Carma opens the door, I throw the bedding away and crawl from the bed, only to freeze.

This isn't my room. Where are all the books? Where did all the open space go and Carma's already made bed?

"Smoke Green! I hope you're decent because I'm coming in!" I have no time to answer the unknown girl, before she barges in. She gives a quick glance about the room and clicks her tongue when she finds me sitting on the bed.

As she marches forward I catch the royal blue dragon on her palm and all of reality and yesterday's events catch up to me.

I'm not home. I'm in Legend. I groan and flop back on the bed. I'd really hoped it'd all been a dream. No such luck for this girl.

"Morning," I grumble, yawning. My watch catches my eye and I almost groan again. Nine thirty? Who the heck can sleep-in until nine thirty? "Am I late for something?"

"No," she draws out. She's trying not to laugh. I can hear it.

I just nod. Finally sitting up, I glance her up and down. Dirty blonde hair reaches her shoulders and is held back by the sunglasses on her head. Hazel eyes already have slight crow's feet dashing out from them. She must laugh a lot. She's tall, nearly as tall as me. Oh, wait. She's wearing thick, three inch heels. She must be like 5'5" then. "And you are?"

"La'manda Rhodes, but you have to call me Mandy. I'm a Novice Rider and Advanced Healer helper."

I blink a couple times. "I have no idea what you just said."

Mandy shrugs like she understands. "You're an Acolyte which is a first year student, I'm a second year student, or Novice, and Eaton is right above me, which makes him an Apprentice." She leans forward, putting a hand to the side of her mouth like she's going to tell me a secret. "He gets to do all the fun stuff." She smirks like it's a joke that, apparently, only she understands. "The last year is Master, and if you're feeling lucky you can try out for a Headkeeper after graduating."

Good thing I only plan to be here for two weeks. "And Advanced Healer?" Even though that kind of speaks for itself.

"Advanced Healer helper." She corrects. "Just means I'm training to be a War-Doc."

I'm still not absolutely sure what she's talking about.

"I'm here to take you and Filly Ashmere to the Break Hall for breakfast and then to the Main Office to get all your school supplies and anything else you might require for the semester."

"Okay. I'll be ready in a moment." She turns to leave but I stop her with a questioning sound. "We aren't... flying to the Break Hall, are we?"

Mandy smirks. "How else would we get there?"

Uh... I force a smile. "That's great."

She misunderstands with a smile and leaves. I nearly fall to the floor and feel ready to throw up. Nope... can't do it. I'm not going to survive two weeks of this. I can't. I can't. There's no way. You'd think with me being "destined" and all to ride dragons that I wouldn't have this fear, but no such luck. I'm petrified – just without the frozen part.

 I'm petrified – just without the frozen part

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A Fifth Daughter [Book 1: The Dragon Rider]Where stories live. Discover now