A couple hours later we packed up the picnic and started walking. I wasn't sure exactly where we were going. We stopped into a little cookie place. "This is the best cookie place ever!" Aaron said. "You can get whatever you want." We walked in and there were about 6 flavors displayed under 'Today's Flavors', Maple Bacon, Birthday Cake, Key Lime Pie, Dark Chocolate Coconut, Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter. Aaron ordered, "We'll take a box of 4 cookies with 1 Peanut Butter, 1 Maple Bacon....Sydney what do you want?" "Make that 2 Maple Bacon and add 1 Birthday Cake." "That will be $5." Aaron handed the lady some cash. She handed us the box and we walked out. "Here let me pay you back for my half." I reached into my pocket and grabbed my wallet. "No you don't have to do that. It was only $5. Don't worry about it." I smiled and took the birthday cake cookie from the box. The cookies were huge, maybe 2x bigger than the average sized cookie. I took a bite out of it, "Oh my god these are the best things I have ever tasted." "Told you! The maple bacon is the best." He took out his peanut butter one and took a bite.

             After we finished our cookies he said, "Hey do you have any plans tonight?" "Not at the moment. What were you thinking?" "Well, there's a party after the show. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. The entire cast will be there and everyone's bring a date." "I'd love to. What should I wear?" "It's at Sardi's which is pretty fancy, but not like red carpet fancy." "I'll be there." "You can come to the show again if you'd like." "Of course." "I'm going to walk you to the subway train and I'll see you later. I have a rehearsal in a few."

             It was about 7:30 when I got to the theatre. There was already a long line waiting to get in. I wore this: . I skipped the line and went straight to the stage door. A bunch of girls came up to me. "Oh my god does that work?" I was really confused. "Does what work?" I asked before knocking on the door. "If you knock and beg for Aaron to come out or to get a playbill will they give it to you?" "I'm not sure." "Then what are you doing?" "I'm trying to get it. I'm seeing one of the cast members." "Oh which one?" They like fangirled. "Um I don't think he'd want me to say." The looked at me funny, gave me a nasty look and ran away whispering. Aaron was there to open the door. "Hey you!" He said hugging me. I turned around to see if the girls were watching. They were. They gave me another nasty look and I smirked. "What was that about?" He said shutting the door behind us. "Nothing. Just some girls asking me how I was getting through the door." He laughed and took my hand. He led me up to his dressing room. "You don't mind being in here while I get ready do you?" He asked. I sat down in a bean bag he had in the corner. "Of course not." I said smirking. He winked. That half hour was fun. I met his dresser, his makeup person, and the mic guy. I also witnessed his preshow rituals and warmup process. For the duration of the show, I sat in his dressing room and witnessed the show from backstage. I met most of the cast. During intermission, Aaron let me stand on the stage. The curtain was closed so no one saw me. It was almost a dream come true.
When the show was over, the cast signed playbills and did their business. Aaron almost didn't go sign playbills but I convinced him to. When he was done, we walked out the main entrance to the theatre, behind the crowd. He was stopped about 6 times before we actually started walking. Sardi's was just right around the block so it wasn't a lot of walking. "I forgot to tell you this earlier," he said grabbing my hand, "but you look beautiful tonight." I blushed and looked down. It was around 11, so in New York it was cold. I shivered. "Are you cold?" he asked, "Let me help you." He took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.
               "Thank you." I said. We turned the corner and finally reached sardi's. it's actually supposed to be closed right now but the Catch Me if You Can people bought it out for the night. When we entered the restaurant, the host walked right up to us. "Good Evening Mr. Tveit. Upstiars is where the party is at, but pictures are being taken on this level right through here." He pointed to the main seating area. It was kind of like prom but fancier and hopefully more fun. "Let's get our picture taken!" I said taking his hand and walking towards the camera man. "Sydney, wait." He said stopping, "You realize, if we take this picture it will end up on the internet. Rumors will start and you could get hate. It's happened before, not to me, but to other actors. I don't want it to happen to you."
              "What kind of rumors?" I asked.
               "You know that we're dating or something."
               "Well aren't we?" I asked.
               "I thought we were, I didn't know you wanted to. Because I do."
               "I do too." I said. He leaned in a kissed me. There was a flash. The camera man had taken that picture. We pulled away and laughed. We posed for a normal picture and headed upstairs. Upstairs, there were drinks and snacks being passed out by waiters. We got plates of food and drinks and found a table. When everyone arrived, the director stood up and tapped on his glass three times.
                "Excuse me. Ladies and gentlemen. There's a reason why tonight is being celebrated and at this fine establishment." A couple waiters brought out 2 easels with red cloths draped over them. They set them right next to the director. "Tonight is a very special night. We have two people who have been working hard for theses and it's about time that they were received. First we have..." He grabbed the red cloth over the easel to his left and lifted it off revealed a caricature, "Norbert Leo Butz. He was first seen in RENT as Mark Cohen, but most of you probably know him as Fiyero in the original Broadway Company of Wicked." Everyone clapped and Norbert walked up and stood next to his caricature, people took pictures with him next to it and he signed it. "And our second recipient..." He lifted up the second red cloth revealing a caricature of Aaron, "Mr. Aaron Tveit. Aaron made is Broadway debut in 2006 in the popular show Hairspray. You've also seen him Wicked and Next to Normal." Everyone clapped again and Aaron handed me his drink and stood next to the caricature. He signed it and posed for some pictures. Norbert and Aaron took picture together with their portraits. Aaron made his way back to me soon after the 'photo shoot' was over.
                "Look at you Mr. big shot Broadway star." I said. He laughed and I handed him back his drink, which I had been holding this entire time.
              "You will too here soon."
               "I swear to god if you just jinxed me, I swear.."
                "You'll what?" He said smirking, "You'll hurt me." I looked deeply into his eyes.
                 "I could never." I leaned up and kissed him. He kissed me back adding intensity to the kiss.
                "You wanna get out of here?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded my head. He took my hand and led me down the stairs and out of the restaurant. We walked all the way to 48th street, where Aaron lived. When we turned down his street he lifted me up bridal style and kissed me gently. He continued to carry me all the way up to the door of his apartment. He put me down to unlock the door. I walked in and sat down on the couch. He shut the door behind him and joined me. He immediately crashed his lips on to mine. Somehow, he managed to move my body so that I was now sitting on his lap. Our lips continued to move in sync. I moved my hands all through his gorgeous, silky, brown hair. He slowly started to move his lips from mine and towards my neck. When he found my sweet spot, I let out a soft moan. He pulled away and then put his hands under my butt lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lifted himself off the couch. I kissed his neck as he carried me into his room. He gently placed on top of his bed and climbed on top of me. He put his lips back on mine. He placed his hands on my back, he moved them up and down my back. He soon started to play with my zipper, moving it slowing down until it was finally unzipped. He parted his lips from mine and slowly lifted my dress off of me. Aaron sat there a stared at me, I laughed and sat up crashing my lips onto his. I started to play with the bottom of his shirt, feeling all over his stomach. I could feel his muscles through his shirt. He took my hands and put them above my head pinning me down. He sat back and quickly took off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his beautiful torso. Things were starting to get heated.
              "Aaron." I said, he was kissing my neck. One of his hands were playing with my bra buckle and the other was resting on top of my boob. "Aaron, I need to tell you something."
             "What is it?" He said in between kisses.
               "I-I'm a v-virgin." I said. He stopped kissing my neck and looked at me. He slowly leaned in a kissed me. He sat up and moved next to me on the bed. I sat up. "What's the matter? I want to do this with you, right now. I'm ready." I kissed him again.
              "I know, I want to too. But, your first time should be special not when we're half drunk." He said. I smiled and laid down facing away from him. He laid down next to me and put his arms around me. The warmth of his body made me slowly start to drift away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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