~Chapter 2: Unexpected~

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'' wassup girl'' Hailey said with a surprise look on her face. ''I thought you were going to keep them little puffs of yours'' she said while playing with my hair. '' Girl , now you know I had to take those things down and plus it was too much work for me to deal with'' I replied. I was glad we were finally alone in the girls restroom because the conversation started to get juicy. Hailey always talk about how her and Taylor get into it every time they see each other, Like go ahead and just fight the ole girl.

'' She gonna catch these hands if she keep looking at me'' Hailey said while curling my straight hair. '' Haha , she will but I hope you know that if you fight the girl you gotta win Hailey ain't nothing other than that .'' I replied while looking at her in the mirror. ''Girl, shut up cause you know I can beat me some ass okay '' she replied as we both bust out laughing .




'' hay Ava, you siting here?'' Kimberly ask me '' Naw , I'm not about eat in this cafeteria anyways'' I said while looking around . I always love to go outside in my little spot where the girls and I hang out. It was looking very nice out so I grab my lunch and headed for the doors. As I make my way outside I bump right into this dude like wtf is going on today. He was brown-skinned with curly dark brown hair and about 6 inches taller than my short self. '' Damn, my bad'' I said a little to loud while slowly drawing attention to myself. '' Naw, it's cool'' He replied while staring deeply into my eyes. '' Ok well I better be going to catch my spot''I said with nervousness hoping he didn't notice. ''Aight girl , see you around''.







''Girl he did what?!'' Asjah ask with a questioning look on her face. '' mmhm, It sure sounds like you was digging him cause the way you describing him...girl.'' They both looked deeply into my soul to see whether or not I was really digging him. '' what ya'll looking at?? ''I mean he was cute or whatever but I wasn't really digging him plus you know I'm not trying to look for dudes after what Edward did to me... No thank you''. It was true I never took the time to settle for anyone else but my times are not for that right now. '' mmhm... so that doesn't mean nothing and forget about Edward he's totally different from others and you never know who's really going to be down for you'' Asjah said while stabbing into her salad. ''Yeah but first you gotta tell us about you and yo boo , Asjah''' Hailey said while biting into her hamburger . ''Oh lord'' I said while picking up my phone ready to answer a call from my mom. '' Look we need to talk once you get home because I have some news to share with you'' My mom said with a low toned voice and sounding unsure.





It was finally last period and I couldn't wait to get home. My Spanish teacher Mrs. Ramos assigned us home work and I already knew I was going to need help. Spanish was a area that I was kinda good in but not great. I use to ask to stay a little late with her so I'll get some extra time in but today I was too tired. I turned the key as my radio came on playing my favorite song by Sam Smith. It really made my day and gave me less of a head ache from all that work.





''come here Ava I need to share with you something that I just found out'' she said with an unsure face. ''Yes ma'' I said wondering what could it be. ''well I just found out that I'm not alone and I have two sisters that I never knew about''. She said with a tear falling from her eyes but I knew that they were happy tears which made me tear up. All her life she thought she was the only girl with the four brothers . Their father left them at a young age, so they never knew about their sisters. Just remembering what my grandfather did made me wonder for years. However,I over came it and now I'm happy that I found my unknown aunts .



Hey everyone my account changed to a_meeraa so if you want to message me some thoughts or ideas that'll be really helpful.

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