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A/N: NO, not the movie Frozen. This one's kinda sad. Please like and share and comment and follow and all that stuff. There are TWO MORE DAYS till spring break! Yay! 

We rushed to the main hall, which was where the sound seemed to have come from. I skidded to a stop on the stone-flagged floor as I saw the battering ram's pole that had been shoved through the iron-barred wooden doors. It was huge- easily the size of the twelve-foot tall doors. Then I noticed the hole in the middle of the end sticking through the doors. It seemed like a cold, misty air was flowing from it. "GET BACK!" screamed Professor Almerwick to the students milling around in the hall who were currently staring at the gigantic battering ram pole. "GET BACK!" 

Professor Almerwick's shrill voice seemed to pierce the fog around the students' minds. They stumbled away from the battering ram, but it seemed like they were still in a stupor. The ones closest to the battering ram were especially dazed, and with each breath their movements became more sluggish. Suddenly, I formulated a theory about the battering ram. Was the cold air issuing from the hole in it causing the slowness? It seemed to be true. I inhaled some of the air, and all of a sudden, I felt like I was swimming through honey. Everything slowed down.

"Is... it... the... air?" I asked slowly. Professor Almerwick, who was pinching her nose and had her mouth clamped firmly shut, nodded. I scrambled to the back of the hall and breathed in the relatively fresh air. The fog cleared from my mind and I unsheathed my sword. Suddenly, I didn't feel cold anymore. Blood rushed through my veins. But how to defeat an enemy that couldn't be hit? The idea came to me after a few seconds of thinking. "We need to plug the hole," I said. But how? I mused. There was nothing in the hall that would fit. 

"There's no point now," groaned Tessa.  And she was right. Because from the hole came monsters- basintures, griffins, parylons (winged boars), easniles(demon rams), and many more. I saw Catrops through the battering ram's hole, but they seemed to be repelled  by the school's magic borders- finally, a stroke of luck. There were easily a hundred of them. They swarmed the hall, killing the students who didn't have weapons with them. The students who did have weapons tried to defend the ones who didn't, but protecting them was hard- especially since most of them didn't even have shields. Blood started to flow over the stones, painting them crimson. Professor Almerwick and my friends and I charged into the fray, slipping on the blood as we went.

I stabbed a basinture towering over a first-year student, and the basinture dissolved into dust. She stuttered out her thanks, wide-eyed. I nodded and ran off to kill an easnile that had already killed another student with its horns. When I got close to it, I noticed the sheen around the horns and the burn mark around the entry wound in the dead student. I inhaled sharply through my nose and backtracked. The horns were made of inclined plane of amethyst. As if she'd read my mind, Kiara called out, "All of the monsters' horns, tusks, fangs, and claws are made of the ultimate inclined plane of amethyst!" I nodded at her, then returned to the task at hand. While the easnile was distracted by another student, I charged at it and stuck my sword in its rump. When I pulled the sword free, the easnile and its poisonous horns disintegrated. I was about to turn back towards the fray when a huge gust of the strange cold air swept through the halls and immobilized me. The monsters weren't paralyzed, though, and all I could do was watch as a huge griffin thundered towards me.

I was resigned to my fate. I mean, what could I do? Nothing. Just when the griffin was nearly on top of me, amethyst talons fully extended, a gold-and-emerald sword that I recognized pierced the griffin's neck. "Ella?" I exclaimed. She winked at me. "" While the rest of us were being frozen by the continual gusts of air, Ella was moving around like normal, taking the monsters by surprise and stabbing them or slicing them apart. As I watched her helplessly, I realized that she seemed to be overly straining herself to move. Slowly, the pieces came together. Ella must have activated her Exarae- and it was superspeed.

I looked on in awe. Even Professor Almerwick looked a little bit taken aback. Ella's sword sliced through monsters, and soon the hall was rid of all of them. The only hint of what had been in the hall were the many piles of ashes lying around. Ella turned towards us, beaming. Suddenly, a loud crack sounded through the school. Ella's brow furrowed as she made to turn around. Then the many Catrops shot from the end of the battering ram lodged in the door. About fifty of them spewed forth. Ella cursed. A Catrops sliced her side, and I wanted to scream, but the freezing spell held me in place. Ella stumbled and fell, stabbing the Catrops who'd wounded her as she went down. The Catrops tripped backwards, back into the hole in the battering ram. Ella got up and kept slashing and hacking, even though a river of crimson was flowing from her side. Soon, the Catrops were plugging the hole, blocking the cold air. I grinned as my limbs slowly started to unfreeze. That girl is a genius, I thought. The second I was able to move, I sliced a path through the Catrops towards Ella. Tessa and Kiara joined me, and soon we'd lifted Ella up and bandaged her wound with her sash. We carried her to the sickbay at the back of the hall, near the staircase. Miss Giartas, the school healer, tutted as we brought Ella in, rushing over to us with her bright pink stilettos clacking against the stone.

"I felt the crash and the cold air, you know, but by the time I pieced together that something was going on, I was immobilized," she babbled. "Now, let's take a look at this gash. Ooh, that's a nasty one. I'm guessing from the burn marks that it was amethyst? Anyway, we can clear that up. Let me just get the Mr. Healaway's- I just bought a new tube a few days ago, but I seemed to have misplaced it, so I had to go out and buy a new one! And the taxes here have gone up- instead of five percent taxes, we have fifteen! That's preposterous! Sorry, I'm just a little stressed. Your friend will have to stay in the sickbay for a week. Has she activated her Exarae yet?"

"Yeah," mumbled Tessa. "Just now. It's superspeed."

"All righty then. Off you go!" piped Miss Giartas. 

"Thank you," we chorused. 

"Oh, you're quite welcome, dears." She waved us away, iron-gray ringlets bouncing. "Now go to your dorms and get some rest."

How may dead? I thought, lying on my bed. At least fifty. Most of them were first-years. The terrified face of a first year boy as a parylon's tusks punctured his side was ringing through my mind. "Shut UP!" I screamed. 

Kiara nodded. "Yes, I do wish those images would just... go away." She tried to keep her voice light, but I knew her better. 

"This is the least we'll have to endure if what Almerwick told us is true," Tessa sighed. 

A lone tear slipped down my cheek. "Hopefully we'll get used to it."

A/N: I hope you liked it! OMG I'm so excited I just got signed up for a thing where I can ACTUALLY RECORD AND RELEASE AND PERFORM MY ORIGINAL SONGS! Of course, I'm a terrible singer, but STILL! Also: GEJWP:QJGTPE:WJGOLWPAEJARFADSAFDHGFCAEWJERAPOGERWAOTJOAJGTPRJEATFOJRWAOTFJRPOWAJFPOEGTJREATO I GOT 100 FRICKING READS! THANK YOU GUYS YOU PEOPLE ARE FANTABULOUS! *cries salty tears of joy over school keyboard* *gets a computer blown up in my face* *is still crying salty tears of joy* Lol no, I don't do "crying."  But I am actually SUPER happy! So thank you guys so much! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

-Deepio the Slytherclaw

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