Chapter Twenty-Two

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Althea's POV

Waking up next to this beautiful woman is absolutely one of the best things that ever happened to me. She's laying flat on her stomach but her face is facing my way.

I marveled my eyes with those beautiful and long lashes, her perfectly shaped eyebrows, that cute little nose that looks so cute every time she scrunch it up. Her full cheeks that if warmed by the sun, reddish color will instantly become visible. And those lips.. Her full, luscious and cotton-soft like lips that makes my insides go wild whenever it brushes mine.

This is the face I've been dreaming of to wake up with. This woman beside me I'll never get tired of waking up to. She is the one I want to be with forever. Jade is definitely not my past, but she's my present and I have no plan on replacing her in my future.

"I love you so much, baby. I hope we can stay like this forever. I can't take it if I lost you, Jade. Please stay with me. Stay with me forever, love." I softly whispered in her sleep as I tuck some strands of her hair in her ear. I placed and long yet soft kiss on her temple before staring at her again. I can stay like this my whole life, you know.

Even if she looks so peaceful in her sleep, I know something happened yesterday. I don't want to push it to her because I trust her. I know she won't keep it from me.

My heart broke when I saw how distraught and disheveled she was yesterday. When she broke down and cried in my arms, I can't help but to cry with her too. It really pains me whenever I see her crying. If I could only take all the pain she's feeling last night, I could've. But because I can't, I make sure she'll get all the love she deserves.

Kahit simpleng bagay lang, kung kaya kong gawin o ibigay, gagawin ko. She's the one I would love to take care of for the rest of my life. Kaya ngayon pa lang, uumpisahan ko na.

I lightly stood up from her bed, careful to not wake her up. I glanced at the wall clock and saw that it's 7:30 in the morning. I'm always a morning person while my girlfriend, well obviously not.

I carefully got out of her room and went straight to he kitchen to prepare our breakfast. I ought to cook a mushroom soup with fried egg. I also added toast bread and brew some coffee for us too since we both love coffees.

When I'm done, I carried all of it with the tray and bring it up to her room for a good breakfast in bed. We've been doing this for quite awhile since my first time sleeping in here. I placed the tray on the side of my bed before waking her up.

"Hey, love. Wake up na." I softly whispered in her ear while my thumb soothe her cheek, but she just moan in response.

"Baby, gising ka na po. I've prepared some breakfast." I started kissing her ears and rubbing my nose on her neck. Her moan got louder and it's starting to turn me on.

When I suddenly got an idea. Makaganti man lang kagabi. Hehe

I smoothly slide my hand under the sheet covering her body and rub her back, still kissing her ears and neck. I started rubbing my right leg on hers until she's now stirring from her sleep.

Uy mukhang effective.

When she changed her position, she's now laying flat on her back, I kissed her full on her lips and my hand started to roam on her body. I slid my right hand under her tank top while my left is cupping her nape for support.

She's starting to respond to my kisses, which made me smile, then she grabbed me by the waist to pull me closer to her. She moaned when I grab her left leg to lift it up so I can place my thigh just between her heated core.

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