You (Aren't) There _ comments are me going somewhere happy-

384 14 29

Okay I wrote this on Saturday or Halloween but anyways This just popped in my head and I had to write it down because I knew if I didn't I would forget it, So here it is please enjoy.......

TITLE: YOU(Aren't)......There

Your the kiss of death to my memory.

But everyone else thought you were the liar..

The conspiracy theory to my misery...

That maybe so, but still you were there..

Before anyone else. My shadow in the sunlight.

My refection when I look in.

The window, I walk and the ground turns, and breaks underway.

I close off the world before I lose balance.

You become solid in my eyes.

I wish the moments could turn like clockwork.

Backwards slowly being forced forward.

The words we exchanged, and shared.

The moments stuck caught forever in.

As an overturned page in my memoir.

Of my mind, if only this, and that could be,

Become one..

I walk on because its like your telling me to stop.

Pausing on the past when I should start going towards something more.

Something I have been looking for, but was always unknown to me.

For but awhile now.

I watch my life on spin roll, One more last time.

As I close my eyes and see you like it was a year ago.

I'm seeing you walk by me, dancing around me love-drunk.

Your laughing at something I wish I could play back to remember, to hear.

Then, there it is that wickedly sweet smile you always used to give me.

How I dreamed of it every single night.

When I went home.

I take you, and it everywhere like it was something tangible.

I was apparently unaware of this fact.

I held on to that broken thought like a wing to a butterfly.

I am holding on to you like some cheap old perfume.

That everyone keeps telling me to throw out.

The smell long gone, and now it reeks of death.

But every time I put you on.

I can't help but consume you along.

You were just so damn alluring, but the perfumes intoxicating smell.

Is fading fast, I just chastised myself for this.

As I open my eyes and see for the.

First, the final; and the last drop of my feelings.

I am falling crushing, grasping on to something clutching

on to the nothingness that was suppose to be you.

As I look up with a Horrifically, bittersweet realization.

That you are no longer there for me, anymore.

I was holding on to you, like some child's old teddy bear.

But it was taken away, out of my hands.

Now the rains hitting, and I am crawling on my knees.

Pleading in a open road for you.

To please come back, come back home.

My secret polluted love.

But will you come back to me?

Will that's the end of this poem. Please tell me your favorite parts and/ or if you liked it, hated it, or (even maybe) Loved it

I will greedly be waiting for those comments to just come pouring in. LOL But w.b if you wanna talk about it or something else.

Bye for now!


The Words Worlds Poetry P. Zero:Its the First words From NicolletteNikki Enjoy! Where stories live. Discover now