Chapter 1

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There wasn’t much that I could do. I was in fact, as most people will say, pretty damn pathetic but I have my moments. Outside I have no reasonable qualities no real talents and no real interests as far as I’m concerned. The most I have achieved so far was a rather ugly looking set of scars on both my arms but they were the least of my concern. So I really have nothing going for me.

I truly have never seen the point of school maybe it’s one of those profound discoveries you have when you’re like 30 and have no achievements to call upon. Really those African girls fighting for the right to an education are wasting their time I think the whole sex and baby thing is rather appealing. Though if you really think about it, how else would I know about the Africans if I hadn’t been in school.

You can’t help but feel like a hundred eyes are on you as you push your way through the wide hallways lined with bright orange lockers (Why orange? It’s the most repulsive color I have ever seen) and groups of noisy teenagers talking bullshit about a weekend they never had, drink they never drank and boys they never fucked though I was convinced that Stacy Hermen got with Oliver Harris, no one brags about Oliver Harris.

Standing next to my locker was Amanda Davidson, my most loyal friend, well only friend. She was sticking multi colored sticky notes through the gap in my door when I arrived over to her.

“Mandy would you stop.” I laughed. She stuffed the rest through as fast as she could with some falling around her feet.

“I wouldn’t open that too soon if I were you.” She snorted. I shoved my key in and just as I had thought, loads of tiny pieces of multi colored paper began to float out. I turned to scold Amanda but she had already took off down the hall so I bent down to pick up the confetti sized pieces.  

There is something that everyone should know about Mandy, she is neither cruel nor saintly. She is a fine mix between both – once you get to know her. Her long-time boyfriend can (and will) testify to that, with a little help from the queen herself. Now don’t get me wrong, I rather enjoyed the company of Long-time Boyfriend Max, long-time being the keyword in his newly adapted nickname, he just never has anything to say – ever. Actually we have already discussed Long-time Boyfriend Max’s lack of speech and, we have concluded that though LTBM does not voice his opinion, or voice at all, he communicates in a very subtle way with his eyes.  Mandy still swears that Max (for short) does indeed speak, just when I’m not around. In which I replied with a snort, yes it was as unattractive as it sounds.

Music was my safe haven, and so was Mr Roberts. He and his piano could steal my mind for the whole period and I’d still want more. Mr Roberts was mildly attractive, in a he’s-my-teacher kind of way. I shut my eyes as he played Chopin’s Nocturne #20 in C sharp minor. Each keystroke vibrated through me. I fiddled at the ends of my navy shirtdress idly, the chiffon fabric stuck to my legs with static electricity. I was focused on the bursts of energy that came from the piano every so often. Mr Roberts stopped abruptly and I quickly awoke from my daze.

“Ado, would you play something?” Mr Roberts smiled at me.

 Not many people had heard me play, though he claims it sounds like angels rejoicing for life itself. I sat and brushed my hands along the keys that were still humming from the last number that they played. I pressed the keys gently and, like Mr Roberts, the sweet sadness of Chopin drifted from the piano, this time Nocturne 7 in C sharp minor.  My auburn hair fell to curtain my face as I hit each note with a fiery passion.

My hands glided along the ivory fervently and my soft curls bounced as my head swayed. My mind wandered away from the room, from the people, from consciousness. My chest felt heavy and my throat chocked up, swallowing was a great difficulty at this moment.  I was barely aware of the stares of admiration my classmates were giving me. The music flowed and with each melodious change came a new sigh. The melody softened once more and I breathed softly into the life of the music. The music swelled to a close, and then slowly I raised my head and smiled precariously. A burst of applause erupted from the near strangers sitting I front of me.

“Encore!” Eloise Madden shouted it was welcomed by most, though noticeably not by the small group dominating the right side of the ovular music room. I stared down from the platform where the piano rested and grimaced.

“I think I’ve had enough for one day, Eloise.” I said warily. I would have played all day, and that was the truth, but I had a feeling it would have gone down with the queen of mean herself, Charlie Broadway. She sniffed then turned to her friends and giggled. Alice Paisley, another minion of mean, threw a deathly scowl in my direction.

“Thank you, Ado.” Mr Roberts smiled. “I love when you play.” A few students giggled and Mr Roberts shook his head sardonically. The bell rang to signal the end of class and everyone rushed to leave.

“Can I use the room this period?” Mr Roberts looked up from the papers he had begun grading.

“Of course. As long as you’re not “blowing off” isn’t that what you kids say nowadays?” I laughed and nodded for his benefit. “Would you like me to leave?” I didn’t want him to leave but I also didn’t want him to stay.

“I don’t mind, honestly.” I of course chose the easiest option and allowed him to make the appropriate decision.

“Well, I do enjoy listening to you play.” He said decidedly. I took a seat at the piano, as I was about to begin a tall blonde-haired person strode through door. Charlie Broadway stopped abruptly as she saw both Mr R and me sitting around the piano.

“Oh.” She said innocently “I didn’t mean to –interrupt.” She smiled at the two of us coyly.

“Yes, Ms Broadway?” Mr Roberts asked. He said calm and collected…well as calm and collected, as you can be when a student is accusing you, with her eyes, of an inappropriate relationship with another student.

“I usually use this room to practise at this time.” She said quietly. I glanced to her side to where a violin case was swinging in her hand. She caught me looking and shifted uncomfortably. This must be why she “suffers” through music class.

“Would you like to join us?” Mr R asked sincerely. I sighed internally and smiled invitingly, which I am pretty sure I looked like a paedophile on crack. Do you want some candy, Charlie? I smiled genuinely this time and was greeted with bewildered stares.

“I would love to.” Charlie said unconvincingly, her voice was unsteady and her cheeks were slowly becoming brighter. She sat into an empty seat and laid her violin case at her feet. She opened the case and pulled out an expensive looking violin. She plucked at the strings and drew her bow across it gingerly. A soft melody filled my ears, her arm moved methodically and her eyes fluttered closed. I sat in awe of her performance, the music dulled then flowed once more. As her piece came to a halt, she settled the violin on her lap and raised her head to meet our gazes.

“That was beautiful.” I said overcome with amazement. She ducked her head slightly and shook it off. Mr Roberts was looking at her curiously.

“Is this the same girl who sits in my class and shows zero interest in music?” he probed. Charlie set a rough music book on a stand before answering. She brushed her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head and stared at him intently, her startling green eyes boring into his. They would remind you of dragons.

“I don’t find it necessary to reveal every detail about my life.” She glanced at me, almost embarrassed that I had gotten up and played for the class. “My music is private.”

“Well, if it’s so private why did you just open up and reveal all your hopes and wishes with us?” Mr Roberts gave me a stern look.

“Ado, there’s no need for that.” Mr R trailed off, still astonished by Charlie’s talent. “Why don’t the two of you compose a short piece together for next week’s class.” He said excitedly. My grin faltered, as did Charlie’s.

“Sir, I am so-“ Charlie began to argue but Mr R cut her off mid-moan.

“I think it would be a great experience for you two. It would be phenomenal to have two such unique talents play together.” He searched carefully for the right words. “Why don’t you get started now, you still have twenty minutes.” Mr Roberts gathered his things and walked quickly out of the room. Charlie and I stared at each other, both clearly horrified at where this course of events had taken us.

“So?” Charlie and I both asked.

*Chapters will be cut into parts so that there isnt too much to read at once*

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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