Chapter 11. Don't eat my boyfriend, please.

Start from the beginning

Derek shrugged as he began to walk off, Scott glanced at me before we both jogged after him, so Derek had been the one chasing us? It wasn't the alpha? What the hell is with him? Does he not have a freaking life to get back to?

"I said I was going to teach you, I didn't say how or when." He retorted.

I let out a laugh, "You're sick, you know that."

"And you scared the crap out of us!" Scott shouted in obvious irritation. Well, add being a teacher to the long list of things Derek Hale sucks at. Right beneath being a decent human being, and a shitty landscaper.

We continued to walk, and I was struggling to keep up- walkingwith the two of them is worse than walking with Scott and Stiles. At least Stiles isn't some teenage mutant werewolf thing and walks a decent pace, these two are practically jogging. 

"Well I was fast right?" Scott asked.

"Not fast enough," Derek snorted.

He sighed, "Well the thing with the car alarms, that was smart right?"

"Until your phone rang." Derek pointed out. Okay, he really needs to learn how to give someone props or something. Maybe he should go to one of those positivity classes or whatever, he is entirely too negative. And why does he always wear black? Maybe I should buy him a white shirt, that could induce some positivity.

Derek continued to walk and Scott was even having some issues keeping up, "Will you just stop?! Alright, that was... that was just.. look, what happened the other night with Stiles dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there, and so I need you to teach me how to control this!" My brother was yelling loudly at Derek, who looked as about emotional as a brick wall. I glanced around awkwardly to see if there was anyone else done here, thankfully there wasn't.

"Look, I am what I am because of birth. You were bitten, teaching someone who was bitten takes time." Derek stated, wait he was born a werewolf?

I choked out a laugh, "So you were like a puppy when you were a baby?" 

He shot me a glare so I clamped my mouth shut and looked down at the ground, "I don't even know if I can teach you."

"What do I have to do?" Scott asked quickly, he really wanted Derek to teach him. Personally, I think he is probably better off doing this on his own, Derek is a trouble magnet and we have enough issues with the alpha as it is.

Derek then snatched Scott's phone out of his hand, "Look if you want me to teach you, you have to get rid of distractions. This is why I caught you-" I glanced at the screen to see that it had been Allison that called, not Stiles... "you have to get rid of her."

"What, because of her family?" Scott replied in a snarky tone, ohhhh you go Scotty! I was going to offer him a high five... but I didn't think Derek would appreciate that, and I don't feel like running from him again.

Derek smirked and then chucked Scott's phone at the wall, Scott stood there in complete and stunned silence, "Hey! Derek seriously dude, you can't keep breaking our phones whenever you get pissed!" I complained, now Scott has to get a new phone. Great.

"Are you getting angry? Good, that's your first lesson. You wanna learn how to control this? How to shift? You do it through anger, you have to tap into a primal animal rage. And you can't do that with her around!" Derek snapped in annoyance, well then...

Scott narrowed his eyes, "I can get angry."

"Not angry enough! This is the only way that I can teach you!" Derek shouted, okay then. I glanced between him and my brother and the amount of testosterone fizzling between them right now is insane. I took a side step away from them, just in case they started to get into it. I did not want to be like that chick Emily in New Moon.

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