Seriously... Ouch ..

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Nala's P.O.V

We were driving to the airport and making great time by the way. AO and Clint kept fighting over the radio and then the IPod like an hour later. I laughed a few times now it's just annoying. "I want to listen to Justin Bebier!" Whined Clint as he reached to change the station. "HELL NO!" Shouted AO as he swatted Clint's hand away from the radio. I shifted in the back seat of the car as all the traffic wizzed passed us as we went towards JFK. God this is a long ass drive. We arrived a few mintues before our plane was suppose to leave giving us some time to check out bags in which AO didn't want to do. I was walking around with Mr. Buns held tight and snuggled across the boy's laps. Since I was beyond tried they let me sleep until the plane depearted. I was up with the guys planning most of the trip; The meeting of the differnt packs in Hawaii of course we need permission to enter their boarders. One of the pack leader would not shut up! 

It was so annoying to stay on the phone with him shoftly after a bussiness call he calls back talking about Mating and then asked me out; I cringed the phone and declind. So now I'm passed out on two hot guys lap's getting evil glares from the human girls. AO woke me up to go talk to one of them; A red head and her dark haired friend both sent me evil glares. I'm not the person you want to pick on when I haven't slept. I stood to my feet just as they walked by Clint held me up so I wouldn't fall. "She doesn't need to be with them." I heard one of them say the other agreed. "She's such a slut." GOD this is so high school!

 "Hey!" I slightly yelled as I stabled myself Clint stared at me. He heard them too. The redhead turned and sneered "What do you want?" I walked over to her and slammed my fist into her face and my knee into her gut. IT all happen to fast for her to even defend herself. I picked her head up by her hair and sneered right on back. "Next time you have something to say." I yanked at her hair she whimpered in pain. "Say it to their face I'm not in the mood for your high school bull shit now get the fuck out of my face before I mess yours up even more" I mushed her head down and step on her body as I walked away Clint right behind me with our bags. AO was just coming from the bathroom with a blank expression. "Don't wanna know" He stated clearly. All was silent until the loudspeaker called for a our flight. We raced pushing through crowds of people to board the stupid plane! 

FInally settling in on the plane I was falling asleep with Clint I could hear AO moving about shifting in his seat. I was sitting in the middle and Clint was by the window and AO was in the alie seat. "Dude it's going to be okay. We'll check all the world for your mate" I yawned as I cuddle Mr. Buns. "I know but what if she rejects me?" I've never seen AO nervous about anything with a vagina. "She'll love you until death due you part" I patted his shoulder lazyly as I fell onto Clint's sagging shoulder. Clint's dark hair was messy and all over his face. He was half awake half asleep, he drap his arm around me and pulled me as close as the seats would allow AO sighed. "That what I want" He muttered to himself. 

Hours Later ..

We were all wide awake and fully rested. Stepping off the plane into the bright Hawiian sun was blinding but nice and warm. "Oh! This I could get use to!" I smiled as I pushed my shades up on my nose and slipped off my jacket. "Yeah I guess so where's the hot She wovles?" Asked Clint as he flexed his mucles. I felt a pin of anger before it suddenly disappeared. Oh well I guess. I glanced around and striaghted my dress. I had to change on the plane to look more offical and not childish as AO said. It was a kind of short halter dress. I glaced around as I pushed my hair behind my ear; Forgetting that I left it curly it only bounched back into place. 

A tall slinder guy about the age of 24 came towards us and smiled as he extended his hand to me. "You must be Nala; My your more beautiful in person" He said in his Hawiian accent. I blushed slightly as smiled. "The Video chat did no justice for your good lucks Mr. Jonhson" I nodded my head as he lead us towards the limo. "And this is my Boss AO Blazer  and his Beta Clint Riddson" I formally introduce the men and they shook hands and nodded. "Shall we?" Mr. Johnson asked as we entered the Limo. Of course the limo was roomy and nice. "Mr. Johnson" I started as his driver placed our bags in the trunk. He cut me off quickly. "Please call me Dave" He smiled a flirtious smile which caused both boys to growl under their breath. 

"Dave" I faked giggled as if I intrested in him. I hated acting like this isn't not fun for me I'm alwaysgetting hit on and my stomach turns in knots. "I'll like to say thank you on behalf of my Alpha Kelp and his son AO; It means alot to us to know his mate is here somewhere." I smiled as I folded my hands on my lap and crossed my legs at my ankles. "OF course!" He shouted delightfully with a smile. "And who knows you might find yours as well" He lend forward to touch my hand; Panic grow from the pit on my belly as I pretened to hide my blush with my hands. "Oh Dave!" I giggled and he ate it up. "Well you'll be staying in our courters of couse just in case he kinds his mate" He smiled as he adjusted the buttons on his plain shirt and pulled down the pants leg of his slacks. I should have requested I stayed with one of them. Damnit

We arrived at the clan's grounds. Minus all the pretty trees and crap load of flowers and the nice view of the beach this place was a dump! Not to be rude but the houses were of course handmade by driftwood and seaweed. I mentally screamed at the sight. AO narrowed his eyes at me  mouthing 'I hate you' I step forward and held onto Dave's arm as if I liked him. "Oh Dave is this your pack?" I asked pretending to be courios. He chuckled and shook his head. "No my sweet; This is the workers court. Over that hill where you'll be staying" He pointed to the massive large white house with the horse shoe drive way. I wanted to go home to badly now.

AO nodded in aproval and Clint simple stared before looking back at me to see Dave tightly wrapping his arm around my waist. I guess those few mintues in the airplane bathroom caused something to go off in his head because he slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Sorry Dave but Nala's off limts; Travel rules can't disobey our Alpha" He sneered as he walked me away from Dave who narrowed his eyes at Clint. "Thanks" I whispered as we walked inside. We were shown our rooms and thank all the wolves above for having my room right next's to Clints. 

That Afternoon/ Night..

Clint and I spent most of the day together pretty much wrapped in each other's arm. I had fallen asleep next to Clint after hours filled with passion. I don't know what to say but he drive me wild beyond compare! I smiled as he held me closer to his chest. The scent of ocean filled my nose as I inhaled deeply; The afternoon sun was beeming on us and warming my skin as I slept. "Clint" I moaned as I left him kiss my neck. "Hey we have to go meet AO in the main hall with Dave" He dropped Dave's name like it was the plauge which made me smile a bit. "Okay pass me my clothes" I reached out for them but he only smiled and kissed my nose and walked out of the room naked. I blushed as I seen the dimples in his back and the large gash on his back from the wolf fights he use to get in as a pup.

I smiled as I sat up to see a single blue rose on the nightstand; I smelt it and smile just as Clint walked in and kissed me. "Your Perfect" He said as he nuzzled my neck; a small moan escape my lips but something caused me whinced in pain. "Ow stop" I pushed him away; CLint looked shocked and did like I asked. We got dress in two differnt parts of the room not one of us looked over at the other. A painful spark pinned me on my side. I walked it off and slipped across the hall where AO was standing. Shortly after CLint walked out with a fresh shirt and jeans. We walked down as a group to meet Dave for the pack meeting. This should be good.

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