Chapter Three: Part 2

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Claire's Part

I am currently eating my lunch with Ashley and John, of course with Christine and Raphael, in the school cafeteria.

Finally, it's Friday. Three days have passed since John met Christine and Raphael. We shared a lot of stories together, John also told us about his Math punishment with Sir Den. It was really horrible, he only got 10 problems solved.

Even if we were many, I am not sure if I am satisfied with my friends... I want someone new. I can see that John is being friendly to Raphael. They easily become close. I am happy for them.

As we go out from our canteen together to buy some dessert in the Dessert Corner, I saw a girl sitting on the stairs near our canteen. She's reading a pocket book with her backpack on her lap. I approached the girl and sat beside her.

"Hey." I said.

She looked at me "Hello."

"I guess you're new here?" I asked her.

"Yes. I'm in my 2nd Year now." She replied shyly.

"Really? I'm one of your classmate. My name is Mary Claire Anderson. What's yours?"

"Oh really? Thank you for introducing yourself, Claire. By the way I am Desseri Rose Lourick, you can call me Desseri." She offered me a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you Desseri. I am welcoming you to our section. We must go together after lunch. And I'll introduce you to my friends." I politely said.

"Thank you so much. I guess you have a lot of them. You're so kind."
She pleases me.

"Oh. I'm not that kind." I smiled at her.

She laughed in front of me, which made me laugh too. Prayers granted, I picked another one.

Suddenly Christine interrupted our conversation. "Who's the new friend Claire?"

And that sentence starts the introduction of each one of us. I think Desseri is enjoying being with us. I am so blessed that God totally heard my prayer so FAST.

We entered our classroom and sat beside each other. I am beside Ashley and Desseri.

Suddenly, my eyes settled on John's face, he was sitting infront of me. I can't avoid it again. I starred at him always. My favorite part was he's standing in front of Sir Den while answering the problem in Math. He looked so pity.

Okay. Time to face my left. I saw two girls entering our room. The girl with short hair, approached John. She suddenly kissed him in his cheeks.
As you can see, John's face was full of shock. It looks like they were in a realationship. John introduce her to us, very less energy it looks like he was trapped in a very dark room.

"Guys.... Uhm... This is Elma.... Uhm... Elma Butler... my... my... my girlfriend."

Oh man! He has a girlfriend? What? I felt a little jealous on what he said. I thought he's single. Elma politely said HI to us. John introduced us to her.

Now, Elma grabbed the opportunity to introduced her friend to us.
"By the way, this is Jhilan Clarkson, my best friend."

"Hello Jhilan." I stood up and shake Her hand and Elma's too.

Well, I see that John's face frowned. I can read his mind in his eyes that he don't want Elma to study here. I don't know why. I just read his eyes.


I go home with a sad face with me. I can't understand why I am so like this. I felt jealous, yes. But I have lesser energy, I don't have appetite, and I am not in mood to do anything. I think I am depressed.

"Claire, what's wrong my dear?" Mom asked. Oh she knew me well, I think I must not answer her question and not be able for her to worry.

"Nothing Mom, I'm fine. Just a little bit haggard and tired from school." I answered.

"Okay dear. I must prepare you a snack."

"No need Mom. I'm full."

"It's your favorite, Ice cream."

Oh my? I am craving for ice cream for weeks. I must grab some.

"Okayyyy Mom." I grabbed a teaspoon and scooped on the ice cream container.

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Coming up:
John's Part

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