Chapter Three: Happy Go Lucky

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John's Part

A week passed since classes started. I became more friendly than before, I think I do not know myself anymore since I met Claire. What came in me? Is she an angel? Or maybe a witch who makes love potion. No. No. No. I don't think she's a witch! She's beautiful, no traces of being evil! Oh I finally admitted, I like her.

Okay. Okay. Back to present. I am currently in our Math class. Oh man! So BORING. I can't handle this kind of class. Our Math teacher, Mr. Dennis Hill, others called him as Sir Den. He is very smart and very strict. I can't avoid to stare at his big bugs beneath his eyes. Oh man! Maybe he studied Math for the rest of his life. Luckily, I can catch up with his topic. I have my notebook on my desk and keep drawing anything I want. I noticed that it was my hobby if I am bored in a certain class. Then, few minutes later after giving examples on the board I fell asleep. Suddenly I heard a voice calling me. SEVERAL TIMES.  I think it was my dream, but it made me awaken.

"Mister Cooper. MISTER COOPER!"

Oh man. Mister Den is mad. What will I do? I stood up and say:

"Y...Y...Yes Sir?" I was trembling.

"Solve this problem on the board." He angrily said. He handed me his chalk.

What? Oh no? I don't understand this kind of problem, I don't even know how to solve this. (Get the Mean of the following Grouped Data.)

"It seems like you can't solve that Mister Cooper. That's the problem of sleeping in my class. What did I reminded you before you emter this class? If you sleeps then make sure you was born ready to answer whatever I would like you to answer. And now, you don't have any. I'll dedact your quiz later. Okay class who wants to help him?"

I don't like this kind of MATH TEACHER! He embarrassed me infront of my classmate. Everybody is now laughing at me. However, I saw Claire raising her hand. She wants to solve it. Or maybe she wants to help me. No. No. No. Never mind! WHATEVER!

"Okay Miss Anderson help the boy." Said the teacher.

Claire stood beside me in front of the class. She explained everything to me. Now I know how. I solved the problem and put the chalk on the teacher's desk. And I noticed that she's pretty smart.

"Very well done. Miss Anderson." He said to Claire.

"Thank you Sir Den." She replied with a smile.

"You, Mister Cooper. Better to study our topic for today. And meet me after class." Sir Den pointed at me.

I remained speechless, nothing to do but OBEY. I nodded. Oh man! I really hate this teacher.

"I don't tolerate late students. I'll give them 70. Meet me at 4pm in my office." And I just nodded.

"Okay class, maybe we couldn't do our quiz today. Better to study our topic at home and get ready for tomorrow's quiz." His last words caught me in trap. I really don't understand this topic, unless smebody help me.

Finally, it's lunch time! That class was so horrible. I saw Claire eating on the benches with her friend Ashley. She waved her hand.... TO ME. I pointed myself for clarification.

"Of course you. Join us." She invited me.

I agreed to join with her. I have noticed that I have no guy friends in this school. Well I hope I got to have one. Please LORD.

"CLAIRE! ASHLEY!" I heard somebody called them. As I walked fast through the bench, I turn my head to look who's calling them at my back. I saw a girl and a boy. They ran towards us. Claire and Ashley deeply hugged them. I think they're friends since then. Claire introduced me to CHRISTINE and RAPHAEL. Oh man. This guy can be my friend! THANKS GOD!

"Hello John, nice to meet you, my name is Christine Hudson."
Christine offered me a hand shake.

"I'm pleased to meet you. Christine." I politely replied.

"And my name is Raphael Rogers." He added.

"Pleased to meet you all guys." I replied.


We spent our lunch eating, chatting, laughing, teasing and giggling. We shared a lot of moments together and I am finally feel at home with them. After our lunch time. We took another 2 subjects. At 2pm we had a vacant. We used it to chat again. This time we got each other's phone numbers

Raphael is a nerd type without any glasses. He likes Science and Math. He also love puppies as well as I do. He had so many crushes and never ever tell them what he truly feels. I like him to be my friend. I can teach him to court and play basketball, then he will teach me the things that I didn't do. I like the kind of nerd like this.

While, Christine loves fashion and cosmetics. She said that she owned a hundred pairs of shoes came from expensive brands. No doubt, for she has a rich family. Her family and mine were business partners. She always do different hair styles on Claire while we were chatting.

Altough, Ashley is a nerdy type she has knowledge about love. She advised me that Love cannot be felt, or cannot be defined. It will automatically control you until you will found out that you are falling to somebody. Most common it is a trap that you can't escape. You might reject it that you don't love that girl, but you must accept what your heart shouts.

Claire just sat and listen all the time. She responds but never told her own story. She's quite beautiful when she laughs. I kept observing her all the time.

I believe in Ashley. What she has said was exactly I felt for Claire, undescribable. I am so happy talking with them that I forgot the time. It's already 3:55pm.

"Guys I gotta go. I'll see you at the bench." I said as I carry my backpack.

"Where are you going?" Claire asked me.

"I'm going to Sir Den."

"Okay go. Don't be late. We'll just follow you." Ashley stand up and pushed me to run. I ran so fast through Sir Den's office, near the library. I knocked trice and he let me enter.

"Okay get ready your notbook and write these." He commanded me.

I just nodded and read the paper he handed me. It contains our topic earlier. "The Mean, Median and Mode of the Grouped Data and answer the questions as follows." I look beneath the instructions and saw a hundred items.

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