Killua and Gon

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Gon buries his face into his red scarf as he looks at his friend next to him. Killua breathes out and buried his hands deeper in to his coat pockets.

It's wintertime. Snows covering the grass and plants like a blanket. The sidewalks are shoveled clear so the city people can walk. The sound of the waves hitting the beach catches Gon's attention. He stops and turns to the railing looking over the ocean.

Even though it's winter time the oceans not frozen.

"Gon" Killua calls his name.
He turns to his silver haired friend. He's standing sideways to Gon. So you can see how puffy Killua's coat actually is.

Killua moves his hands in his pockets and motions for Gon to follow him. Gon obeys and runs after Killua who started walking without him.

"Ney Killua" he steps beside Killua and tilts his head.

"Hmm?" Killua continues to look forward with annoyed blush look.

"What do you want for dinner?" Killua turns his head to Gon as snow crunches below their feet.

"I thought Kurapika was making dinner tonight" Killua stops and looks at Gon.

"He canceled. He said he had a date" Gon stopped and put his hands behind his back and intertwined his fingers.

"Oh... WAIT A DATE?!" Killua grabbed Gon's face.

"Yeash, i dontsh rememsher who thoush" Killua let go of his face. Gon rubbed his cheeks.

"I was surprised too. He's on a date after that whole girlfriend breakup thing" Killua glared

"You only mean breakup?" Gon nods slowly.

"Oh well let's go" Killua starts walking again and Gon catches up.

Rounding the corner they spot their apartment building.
It's a four story, tan building with Windows for every room. There are also balconies and a fire escape. Walking in the front door a bell rings. The landlord stands from behind the counter and waves to the boys. She frowns when Killua just Walks past.

Gon cheers her up by waving and saying she looks lovely today with her new feathered hat. Gon then Runs up the stairs to his and killuas door.

Opening the door he sees killuas already on the couch flipping through the channels.

Few hours later

"Killua it's getting late. Shouldn't we turn that off?" Killua laid his head on the backrest of the couch and looked at Gon.

"Uh, no?" Gon pressed his finger to killuas forehead.

"Come on, turn it off" Killua sighed and turned off the TV.

"What are we having for dinner?" Killua moves so he can see Gon in the kitchen.

"I was thinking curry or just cereal cuz it's easier" Gon shrugged holding up a box of fruit loops.

"Fruit loops" Killua put both his hands in the air and stood. Gon laughed and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard.

•After "dinner"•

Gon's sitting on the edge of his bed reading a textbook. "Crap, we have school tomorrow don't we..?" Killua flopped face first on his bed. Gon nodded and fell back. "I can't do this" he groans.

"Surprised you read the title" Killua giggled and Gon sat up.

"How do you think Kurapika's date went?" Gon closed the book and threw it to the floor.

"He probably started talking about his family or bragged about being the class president." Gon laughed.

"Probably.." Gon hesitated

"but what if they're going out now? She's probably super pretty" Gon looked at Killua.

After a few moments of silence Killua speaks.

"I'm a loner" Killua hung his head upside down off the bed. Gon nodded in agreement and got a death glare. "You weren't supposed to agree with it!" Gon shook his head in disagreement. Killua face palmed.

"Why aren't you talking?" Killua sat up. Gon raised his shoulders showing he said he doesn't know. Killua sighs and gets off the bed.

"Maybe we'll find someone. I mean we gotta right?" Gon slowly nodded.

Gon didn't feel like a loner or alone at all. He had Killua he loved all his friends but the feelings for Killua were different. Whenever Killua touched him Gon felt something. The spot he touched stung. Like it needed more.

"Gon, you okay?" Killua stood and walked over to Gon's bed.

Gon flipped over and covered himself with the green blanket.
Killua raised an eyebrow and just got into his bed.

"Night Gon.." He turns off the lap and rolls over to face the opposite direction of Gon's bed.

A light snore comes from Killua as he sleeps. Gon on the other hand is wide awake. He turns and looks at his friends sleeping face across the small gap between their beds. Gon smiles slightly.
'He looks so cute when he's sleeping. He looks cute all the time too tho. What am I saying? Cute?' "Do I like him...?"Gon looks at killuas face again And his bright blue eyes study him.

"G-Gon?" Killua rubbed his eyes and looked at Gon sitting up partially.

"Sorry.. Did I wake you?" Gon buries his face in his bedding.

"nah, it's fine. Just go to sleep" Killua rolls over and they both fall asleep.

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